Care allowances and vouchers for very serious and severely disabled people in the S07 area – InfoCilento

The Social Area S07with a common lead partner Roccadaspidehas published a public notice for the provision of care allowances and vouchers for people with very serious and severe disabilities, in implementation of the Regional Plan for Non Self-Sufficiency 2022-2024 and the related regional programme.

Who can benefit from care allowances and vouchers?

The recipients are citizens residents in the S07 area who are in a condition of very serious or severe disabilityfor which a multidimensional evaluation has already been carried out by the Integrated Evaluation Units (UVI) and a social-health or personalized project has been drawn up.

Those who use residential socio-health or socio-assistance services and people with a socio-health ISEE higher than 50,000 euros (65,000 euros for minors) are excluded.

Definition of very serious and severe disability

They are considered to be in a condition of very serious disability people receiving the attendance allowance who have at least one of the specified conditions, such as coma, vegetative state, dependence on mechanical ventilation, severe dementia, spinal injury, severe motor impairment, complex sensory deprivation, severe autism spectrum behavioral disability, severe or profound mental retardation, or other conditions of vital dependence.

People with severe disabilities are those who benefit from the attendance allowance or are defined as serious according to the law.

Amount of care allowances and vouchers

The maximum amount of the care allowance and voucher is set at 1,200 euros per month for people with very serious disabilities and 600 euros per month for those with serious disabilities. Reductions of 40% are provided for in the case of a social-health ISEE higher than 20,000 euros (35,000 euros for minors) or if the beneficiary receives other social assistance or social-health benefits, with a further reduction of 10% if both conditions apply. The amount can be increased by 10% for some types of very serious disabilities with support for vital functions that do not benefit from other forms of assistance.

How to apply

Applications can be submitted exclusively through the Professional Social Service of the municipality of residence, using the specific form available on the Agency’s website or at the offices by 12:00 on 09/13/2024 The application must be accompanied by the applicant’s identification document and a valid ISEE certificate.



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