Carcassonne. “Being the opening act for Olivia Ruiz is crazy”

the essential

Could you please introduce your work? What do you showcase on stage?

For the past 16 years, we have described our work as “chanson groove” and “klezmer.” “Chanson groove” for the French groove aesthetic in our songs and “klezmer” in reference to Jewish music from Eastern Europe. On stage, we perform as an amplified music group with bass, drums, keyboard, violin, and vocals. Occasionally, we incorporate small keyboards and loopers to enrich the music.

Who is the person behind the stage name Bekar?

I chose the name Bekar because it stems from my full name, Benjamin Karchène. Personally, I am French, born in Morocco, raised in Israel, and have been living in France since 1980. I grew up in an Ashkenazi family, exposed to Russian and gypsy music while also immersing myself in the English music my mother enjoyed listening to – artists like The Rolling Stones and David Bowie.

You share the same name as a popular rapper. How does that affect you?

We had some confusion because of the shared name. He wasn’t aware of me when he chose his stage name. Our albums got mixed up on platforms, leading to regular confusion. As a rapper, he attracts a younger audience (15-25 years old) and is more prominent on social media, hence better recognition.

You will be the opening act for Olivia Ruiz this Saturday while IAM is also performing. What significance does this hold for you?

Olivia Ruiz is truly magnificent, a symbol of musical emancipation through her career. She has established herself as a songwriter and author, which is remarkable. IAM holds immense importance to me personally, as their music resonates with my youth just a few kilometers away from our performance location.

the essential

Bekar, the all-around artist with Balkan sounds, will be the opening act for Olivia Ruiz this Saturday, July 20, on the Chénier stage. Bekar has already graced the stage at the Chapeau Rouge, showcasing his unique blend of music. In this article, we will delve into a Q&A session with Bekar to get a better understanding of his journey and what to expect from his performance.

Introducing Bekar’s Work

Can you introduce your work? What do you offer on stage?

Bekar describes his music as a fusion of “chanson groove” and “klezmer” for the French groove aesthetic and reference to Jewish music from Eastern Europe. On stage, Bekar is accompanied by a band that includes bass, drums, keyboard, violin, and vocals. They also use additional instruments such as small keyboards and loopers to enhance the musical experience.

The Story Behind the Name

Who is behind the stage name Bekar?

Bekar, whose real name is Benjamin Karchène, chose his stage name based on his personal background. Born in Morocco, raised in an Ashkenazi family, exposed to Russian and gypsy music, and influenced by English-speaking music, Bekar’s eclectic background shapes his unique musical style.

You have the same name as a popular rapper. How did that come regarding?

Bekar shares that the confusion with the rapper who shares his stage name has caused some mix-ups, especially on online platforms. Despite the mix-up, Bekar remains focused on his music and the connection it brings with his audience.

Opening for Olivia Ruiz

This Saturday, you will be opening for Olivia Ruiz and performing alongside IAM. What does this opportunity mean to you?

Bekar expresses his admiration for Olivia Ruiz’s career and sees the opportunity to open for her as a significant moment. He also acknowledges the cultural significance of performing alongside IAM, which holds a special place in his youth.

As Bekar prepares to take the stage alongside these renowned artists, his eclectic musical background and unique blend of sounds promise an unforgettable performance for the audience.



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