Carbohydrates: How to Properly Consume Them for a Balanced Diet and Weight Management

2023-06-10 21:31:02

Carbohydrates are a problem for all diet challengers in the world, but there are carbohydrates that help diet. [사진=클립아트코리아]

It is common knowledge that in order to lose weight, the first step is to cut down on or cut out carbohydrates. But are carbohydrates really the ‘enemy of obesity’? Do I have to give up a bowl of rice, the basic of Korean food, for a slim body? Carbohydrates are a problem for all diet challengers in the world, but there are carbohydrates that help diet. It is a lot of dietary fiber in vegetables and fruits. Learn how to properly consume carbohydrates, the source of energy and immunity.


◆ Carbohydrates at least 50% of the meal… source of energy and immunity

Carbohydrates are essential nutrients that supply energy to the body and help with immune function and brain activity. Depressed mood and lack of concentration can also be attributed to a lack of carbohydrates. It is appropriate to eat 55-65% of your total daily energy Plant fruits (cereals, fruits), roots (sweet potatoes, radishes), and stems (potatoes) are mostly carbohydrate foods. When dieting, reduce bread, rice, and noodles, but eat enough vegetables to keep your health.

◆ To maintain weight loss… ‘Cutting out carbs’ isn’t enough

For short-term weight loss, reducing carbohydrates can help in some ways. However, the long-term weight loss effect is not great. This is because you need to reduce your total calorie intake, including fat. Carbohydrates have 4 kcal per gram, but fat has 9 kcal, more than twice as much. more. Exercising should also be combined to prevent excess energy from accumulating in the body. After all, ‘eat less and move more’ is the core of the diet.


◆ Dietary fiber effect of carbohydrates… cardiovascular disease prevention

When trying to control your weight, it is good to choose carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, etc.) that are high in water. Carbohydrates are better for long-term weight control than fat because they contain fewer calories per If you eat too much fruit, you will gain weight. If you eat green vegetables or fruits that are less sweet, you can get enough dietary fiber and maintain the diet effect for a long time. Eating vegetables first instead of rice or bread gives you a feeling of fullness, which is good for preventing overeating. A lot of dietary fiber in oats and apples reduces cholesterol and lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

◆ Dietary fiber should be increased to lower the risk of death

There is a study that the risk of death was reduced when patients with chronic kidney disease ate enough dietary fiber. Chronic kidney disease significantly worsens kidney function, which can increase the risk of dialysis and kidney transplantation. Dietary fiber helps bowel movement, induces urinary excretion, and reduces chronic inflammationwill give

However, kidney disease patients should be careful of vegetables and fruits that are high in potassium. It should be taken following consulting with a doctor or nutritionist. This is because of the risk of hyperkalemia, which can lead to shock. Therefore, it is effective to consume dietary fiber through apples, grapes, pineapples, and plums, which are low in potassium. Tomatoes, melons, and vegetables are high in potassium.

#Cut #carbs #lose #weight #eat



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