Car, train, plane… travel without motion sickness and pain

2024-10-11 12:00:00

Thanks to Dr. Ariel Toledano, vascular doctor in charge of teaching, author of Take care of your legs (ed. du Cerf), to Dr. William Berrebi, gastroenterologist, author of Mission Flat Belly (ed. Marabout) and to Lorris Gellé , osteopath, author of The Anatomik Method (ed. Leduc).

The back muscles and fascia (kind of envelopes which surround all the structures of the body) hate prolonged sitting: less oxygenated and not used, they stiffen and cause pain.

The essential gesture: acting like a cat.

Obviously, the ideal way to prevent numbness and restart blood circulation throughout the body is to take a few steps. Failing that (in the car, for example), we stretch like a cat (hollow back, round back), we do a few rotations of the head, wrists, shoulder movements from bottom to top, openings and closings elbows, fingers crossed behind the head… Obligatory break every two hours for the driver in order to stretch and mobilize – thanks to lunges – the hip flexor muscles used by sitting and driving, and whose Stiffness affects the lower back.

To put all the chances on your side, we add:

A lumbar support cushion or, failing that, a rolled towel if you are very arched. Their rounded shape prevents the back from slouching. The lumbar belt should be reserved for acute disc herniation.
A neck pillow if you plan to take a nap to avoid having your head bobbing all over the place. In the car, the rest of the time, it is better to lean your head against the headrest (unless you are driving). On the plane, remember to protect your neck from the blasts of air from the air conditioning with a scarf or clothing.
Anti-inflammatory foods. Before and during the journey, focus on vegetables and fruits, fatty fish, lean poultry, low GI starchy foods, etc. To drain waste and thin the blood, drink water regularly. At the same time, we limit foods that acidify the body and promote inflammation and pain: red meat, sodas, cold meats, sugars, ultra-processed products, cheese, alcohol, etc.

When you stay still for too long, everything stagnates, including gas in the intestines. Especially if we refrain from going to the toilet. In an airplane, it is worse because when the pressure decreases, the volume of gases increases (physical law).

The essential action: adapt your diet in the 24 hours preceding departure, as well as during the journey.

We avoid anything that increases gas production (cruciferous vegetables, legumes, artichokes, etc.), we limit the consumption of fiber (too many fruits and vegetables, especially raw, whole grains, etc.), cooked fats and fried foods. (which increase gas retention), and we ban soft drinks, chewing gum and sweets. We hydrate sufficiently, with plain water.

To put all the chances on our side, we add:

Loose clothing. Exit what compresses the stomach and can generate, or even amplify, discomfort.
Vegetable charcoal as prevention before taking the plane or, en route, if we feel that it is already “working”. Charcoal is capable of absorbing up to 100 times its weight in gas and eliminating it. 2 capsules of Carbosylane or Carbocymag, or 1 tsp. tablespoon of loose charcoal, 3 times a day.
An antispasmodic, type Meteospasyl, 1 tablet, 3 times a day – if it is too late and you are in pain.
A self-massage to expel the gases on arrival. Ideally with 1 to 2 drops of peppermint essential oil (EO) diluted in 1 tbsp. tablespoon of vegetable oil. Smooth the stomach clockwise, starting from the navel and widening the circle, exerting pressure on the swollen or painful areas.

Driving, sailing, flying… The contrast between the movement recorded by the eyes and the immobility of the body perceived by the inner ear can cause discomfort (nausea, dizziness…) in some of us. It’s not just children who are affected!

The essential remedy: ginger.

Its anti-nausea effects have been proven by numerous studies and recognized by the World Health Organization. For prevention, half an hour before the trip, chew a piece of rhizome or make a herbal tea (1 g in a cup of boiling water).

To put all the chances on our side, we add:

Peppermint essential oil (EO)*, if we feel blah, blah during the trip. Peppermint essential oil has evidence of its preventive and curative effect on nausea. Easy to take in transport: 1 drop of EO on a piece of bread or 2 drops to breathe on a handkerchief.
music if we worry about feeling bad. Listening to your favorite songs does double duty: it reduces anxiety, which increases unease, and distracts the brain from the sensory and visual sensors that cause symptoms.
The glasses boarding glasses whether we have to take a mountain road or take a swaying boat. The principle is super clever: several glasses (including in the branches) between which a blue liquid floats. This moves with each movement (acceleration, braking, turning, wave) thus sending visual signals to the eyes consistent with the perceptions of the inner ear. (€69 per pair,
From the Cocculine. The reference homeopathy treatment which has the advantage of being able to be taken by pregnant women and children from 18 months.

Heavy legs: how to regain light legs after a long trip?

Heat, stillness and altitude are the enemies of effective blood circulation. Blood and water accumulate in the lower legs, the calves and ankles swell and become painful.

The essential gesture: the anti-stasis gym.

Nothing like movement to avoid heavy legs: you walk at least 30 minutes before departure and, on the way, you stop at least every 2 hours to take a few steps and “pump” exercises. We stand on tiptoes, raising our heels as high as possible and come back down quickly, 20 times. Stuck on a plane? We make circular movements of the ankles and flexion-extension movements of the feet (5 minutes every 2 hours). And we complete with a self-massage by rolling a tennis ball (or spiked ball) under the arch of the foot. To thin the blood and prevent its aggregation in the small vessels, we also make sure to drink enough water.

To put all the chances on our side, we add:

Compression socks. Essential in cases of venous insufficiency, compression socks and stockings compensate for the inactivity of the muscle masses, compress the leg and promote venous return. Class I socks, sold in supermarkets, may be sufficient if you don’t have any particular vein problems, but to take a plane or if you have a tendency to bloat, you opt for class II socks sold in pharmacies.
A gel for heavy legs. We choose it based on camphor, menthol or peppermint whose cooling action provides a feeling of lightness, and with several active ingredients which will act in synergy for greater effectiveness. The best when traveling: the spray formula is easy to apply anywhere, discreetly, even on compression socks for a longer lasting effect.
Lightweight leg soles. To slip into shoes the day before the trip (and as soon as you stand for a long time, walk on your feet, or even on a daily basis), this medical device has been the subject of 2 clinical studies which confirm its ability to activate the plantar pump and limit pain and swelling. (€34.95 per pair,

*Contraindications: no EO in pregnant or breastfeeding women, young children. Beware of allergy risks.

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Against travel sickness, this natural remedy is great Travel sickness
#Car #train #plane.. #travel #motion #sickness #pain



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