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The Central African President, Faustin Archange Touadéra promulgated this Wednesday, April 27, 2022, the law giving legal tender to Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.

It’s official, the RCA becomes: the first country in Africa to adopt bitcoin as a reference currency “. This currency is now legal throughout the Central African Republic in the same way as the CFA Francs. The declaration of the President of the Republic specifies that Bitcoin has unlimited issuing power in all its transactions and in any capacity, carried out by natural or legal persons, public or private. The exchange rate between cryptocurrencies between cryptocurrencies and the currency used in CAR (CFA Francs) is freely determined by the market. Cryptocurrency exchanges are not subject to tax. “The adoption of Bitcoin as an official currency represents a decisive step towards opening up new opportunities for our country”, indicates the director of the civil cabinet of the presidency, Lunch Namsio. He assures that Faustion Archangel Touadera will support all the necessary efforts, in compliance with the law, in order to carry out this process which places the Central African Republic on the map of the most courageous and visionary countries in the world, for all that means and implies the acceptance of cryptocurrencies as means of payment. RCA: parliament adopts law on cryptocurrency It is important to specify that the bill was adopted by the deputies on April 21st. For the Minister of the Digital Economy, the law falls within the framework of: “ economic recovery and peacebuilding »

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