Car insurance: skyrocketing costs in the South, increases of up to +5%. Inflation among the causes, but …

The cost of car insurance continues to rise inexorably for Italians. This is confirmed by the latest Iper survey drawn up by the Institute for Insurance Supervision. Already in June, policies had grown with an average of 403 euros. In July, spending grew further, reaching 416 euros, an increase on an annual basis of 7.4% in nominal terms (+6.1% in real terms). Not only that. The North-South gap is widening further: “the premium differential between Naples and Aosta is 270 euros, an increase of 7.8% on an annual basis. But what are the reasons behind the phenomenon? Ania, the association that groups together insurance companies, explains that the surge in rates is mainly due to inflation, an increase in accidents, but also by the increase in the cost of repairs of damaged models and scams.
In Puglia, the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani is the one that records the highest increase in percentage terms (+5%) with an average insurance premium of 410 euros, followed by Salento where the increase was 360 euros (+4.6%). But the trend is confirmed to be upward in all the provinces

Michela Lopez



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