2023-05-02 09:17:56
The operation of the vehicle engine requires the supply of fuel under pressure. Electric and mechanical pumps are responsible for this. They can be submersible petrol pumps, low pressure pump or high pressure fuel pump with direct injection system in diesel engines. How to recognize possible fuel pump defects and make the right decision if damage is suspected will be told in the article.
The principle of operation of the fuel pump
The fuel pump, located in the fuel tank, consists of a pump part and an electric motor drive. Fuel is taken through the intake filter and driven by the turbine through the housing, flushing and cooling the electric motor. With the exhaust valves, the fuel enters the engine under pressure.
The main causes of high pressure fuel pump failures
High pressure fuel pump are used to fuel diesel engines and GDI gasoline engines. It usually has a mechanical drive and a very high exhaust pressure, regarding 1000 atmospheres or more.
High-pressure fuel pump malfunctions are similar to problems with electric pumps and occur due to low-quality fuel and natural wear and tear. The main difference lies in the significantly higher price and the complexity of the design. If you need to replace small parts, such as an o-ring or a fuel pump gasket, it is possible to do the repairs yourself.
The first symptoms of a fuel pump failure
Most often, the attention of the car owner is attracted by a strange bubbling noise coming from the back of the car. As the situation worsens, the pressure in the system decreases.
The main symptoms of a fuel pump failure are as follows:
In the worst case, the engine stops working at zero gasoline pressure in the injector rail.
When full engine diagnostics are required
Noticing extraneous sounds and reduced pressure is not difficult, but often the effect can appear and disappear unexpectedly. This type of intermittent failure is difficult to diagnose and requires a full engine diagnosis, including driving records.
Can you fix the damage yourself?
If you are sure of a pump defect and have sufficient competence, then you can also do the repair yourself. You just have to get to the gas tank hatch, remove it and remove the damaged module. In this case, a preliminary check should also be carried out and make sure that the power circuit, fuse and relay are in good condition.
Fuel pump troubleshooting requires safety precautions as you will be working with an open fuel tank.
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