Car-Free Day postponed: When will the new date be?

The Car and Motorcycle Free Day is postponed in the north of the Aburrá Valley. Photo: Network of Municipalities of the North of the Aburrá Valley

The Mobility Secretaries of the municipalities of Bello, Copacabana, Barbosa and Girardota decided to postpone the Day without Cars and Motorcycles, Initially scheduled for next Thursday, September 26, from 5:00 am to 8:00 pm The measure was taken by mutual agreement after considering the impacts that such a day could generate on the mobility of the Aburrá Valley and other regions of the department of Antioquia.

When will the new date be?

The postponement proposal will be taken to the Metropolitan Transportation Council, with the aim of Adding the participation of the municipalities of the south of the Aburrá Valley and the Special District of Medellínand thus implement the measure in a unified manner throughout the metropolitan territory.

Despite the postponement, municipal administrations called on citizens to contribute through their daily actions to more sustainable mobility. Suggestions include: the use of the Integrated Public Transport System, sharing vehicles and opting for alternative means of transport such as bicyclesThese actions are key to improving the environmental conditions of the territory.

You may be interested in: Aburrá Valley: 30% of vehicles do not comply with pollution standards

After the Day Without Cars and Motorcycles was postponed in the north of the Aburrá Valley, On Thursday, September 26, vehicles will be able to circulate normally throughout the jurisdiction of the area.

2024-09-24 00:28:59
#CarFree #Day #postponed #date



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