Car breakdown on the way to your holiday: These are the most common causes

Even though destinations, situations and vehicles vary, the transport club can identify three problems that have occurred most frequently in the busy summer so far for the breakdown fleet in the country and also in the dense network of partners abroad:

1. Defective batteries

The classic breakdown par excellence is the defective car battery. What many people don’t know: high temperatures are just as “damaging” to batteries as extreme sub-zero temperatures in winter. Johannes Kremslehner, technical inspector at ARBÖ OÖ: “The enormous heat causes short circuits in the battery cells. In addition, the self-discharge of the battery is much higher than in cooler weather.” He recommends a battery check before setting off, especially if the car battery is older than 5 years, to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Image: ARBÖ


Johannes Kremslehner, technical inspector at ARBÖ OÖ
Image: ARBÖ

Another perennial favorite on the holiday breakdown hit list: defective or overheated cooling systems. High summer temperatures, heated engine compartments and especially stop-and-go traffic push cooling systems to their limits. The cause of radiator defects is usually too little coolant, defective water hoses, seals or water pumps.

The expert recommends regularly checking the coolant level and paying attention to whether there are any visible signs of moisture on the cooling circuit, which could indicate leaks. A vacation check is definitely recommended before long vacation trips: This includes checking the cooling system and battery, among other things.



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