Car bomb kills daughter of “Friend Putin” Ukraine, denies involvement

Car bomb kills Ukrainian friend Putin’s daughter, denies involvement

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21 Aug. BBC Reported that Ms. Daria Dukina, daughter of Mr. Alexander Dugin, a philosopher of extreme nationalist ideology. An ally close to President Vladimir Putin as “Putin’s brain” died in a car bomb attack on a street outside Moscow.

The report stated that Alexander and his daughter attended the “Tradition”, a family event for art lovers, held at the Zaharovo residence near Moscow. where Alexander Pushkin, a famous Russian poet, used to live, where Mr. Alexander had lectures there.

Then the father and son were scheduled to return that evening in the same car. But Mr Alexander decided at the last minute to go separately with his daughter. photos in telegram Russian application Revealed that Mr. Alexander’s condition was in a state of shock. As rescuers rushed to the scene where the wreckage was set on fire.

Russia’s investigative committee expects The real killing target was probably Mr. Alexander. Ms Daria was killed at the scene near the village of Bolchier Viesemi and said an explosive device detonated before the car caught fire. Forensic and explosives experts are currently investigating.

Mihailo Podoliak, adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, denied allegations that Ukraine was involved in the car bombing.

“I reiterate that Ukraine has nothing to do with this. because we are not a crime state which is the Russian Federation and even less than a terrorist state,” Mr Podolia said.

Ms Maria Zaharova, spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry. stated in the Telegram post that If Ukraine is found to be involved would be considered terrorism by the state.

Friend Putin's daughter

น.ส.ดาเรีย ดูกีนา Darya Dugina, the daughter of influential Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin was reportedly killed on Saturday when the car she was traveling in exploded near the village of Bolshiye Vyazemi, Moscow Region. MS 18539077

Daria, 30, is a well-known correspondent who supports Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, previously under sanctions by the United States and the United Kingdom. It accuses Ms Daria of engaging in online disinformation about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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However, Ms. Daria had said in an interview in May that The war in Ukraine is a clash of civilizations. and expressed pride that both her and her father were boycotted by the West.

Alexander Dukin, Russian philosopher / Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda

Mr Alexander was sanctioned by the United States in 2015, accusing him of involvement in the Russian annexation of Crimea. Let Russia stand itself on the world stage more seriously. and supporting Russian military operations in Ukraine

Alexander’s writings are credited with having a profound influence on President Putin’s worldview. and was considered the chief intellectual architect of the extreme nationalist ideology held by many in the Kremlin. Although not holding an official position in the government But it is believed that Mr. Alexander was a close ally of the Russian leader. and even received the title “Putin’s Rasputin”

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