Capturing Bigfoot: Mysterious Sightings in Colorado Revealed

2023-10-13 07:59:03


Is the mysterious Bigfoot strolling through the wilderness here?

Film footage should prove it: A US couple claims to have filmed the mythical Bigfoot in Colorado. The web community is excited.

Published13. October 2023, 09:59

Bigfoot or human? This shot is causing a stir.


A couple from Wyoming filmed a sensational video clip in Colorado.

The two believe they have seen the mysterious Bigfoot.

The clip has been shared thousands of times and is capturing the imagination of many.

The myth regarding the legendary Bigfoot – a type of yeti from the United States – has recently received new food. A couple from Wyoming made an observation on a trip to the neighboring state of Colorado that, for many, represents definitive proof of the mythical creature’s existence.

Shannon Parker and Stetson Tyler were traveling on the narrow-gauge railroad in the picturesque area between Durango and Silverton last Sunday to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary and were looking for deer when they made a discovery. “As we drove past the mountains, Stetson saw something moving and then said, I think it’s Bigfoot. Brandon, who is sitting next to Stetson on the train, grabs his cell phone and starts filming. Meanwhile, I tried to take a photo with my camera,” reports Shannon (44) on Facebook.

“He was two or three meters tall or bigger.”

«Out of the hundreds of people on the train, three or four of us actually saw the elusive creature Bigfoot! “I don’t know regarding you, but we believe it,” she continues. “He was two or three meters tall or bigger. Its color matched so well with the sage in the mountains that it was well camouflaged when it sat down. If you had asked us before our trip, we would have said that Bigfoot might exist, but now we are convinced,” she told the New York Post. The conductor on the train then reported his own sightings: On a snowshoe tour, he discovered footprints that were far too large for a human.

Is it…Bigfoot? On a railroad trip through Colorado…

Facebook/ Shannon Parker

…a couple observed a strange creature.

Facebook/ Shannon Parker

Shannon Parker and Stetson Tyler made the startling discovery.

Facebook/ Shannon Parker

The post was shared almost 3,000 times. And opinions as to whether the clip really shows Bigfoot vary widely: While many see their beliefs confirmed and are convinced that the video shows a mysterious and unknown creature, others believe that “Chewbacca’s doppelganger” a hunter in camouflage clothing or a local who made a joke for the tourists.

According to researchers at the University of Arizona, the “Bigfoot” myth might be an extinct great ape called Gigantopithecus that once lived in the region. Bigfoot is also called Sasquatch in Canada and Washington State, which means “very hairy person” or “hairy giant” in the indigenous language. The legend has existed since around 1850.

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