Captain Sentenced to Three Years on Hold After Crew Member Dies from COVID-19

Three years after the death of Manuel Quiquinte, the Chief Engineer from Mar del Plata who died after contracting coronavirus at sea and not receiving medical assistance

This is Alejandro Di Rollo, who minimized the effects of COVID by assuring that “a pill would solve it” and is responsible for the death of a chief engineer. In a shortened debate, he acknowledged the event and now the Federal Oral Court will decide.

Alexander DiRollocaptain of the fishing boat of Chinese origin Xin Shi Ji 89faces serious charges of “facilitating the spread of an infectious disease and abandonment of a person followed by death“The visual hearing that took place on Friday morning is the result of a series of tragic events that have shaken public opinion and highlighted the lack of responsibility and ethics of those who command vessels on the high seas.

The case focuses on the death of Manuel Quiquintea 67-year-old experienced chief engineer who passed away on May 5, 2021 while on board the Xin Shi Ji 89. Quiquinte, who had embarked in Mar del Plata for what was expected to be one of his last trips before his retirement, began to show symptoms of COVID-19 shortly after setting sail on April 13, 2021. Despite having alerted Captain Di Rollo about his deteriorating health, the captain dismissed the seriousness of the situation, minimizing the symptoms and considering them as simple colds. In a recording that has come to light as crucial evidence, Di Rollo assured that the problem would be solved with paracetamol and that the virus was “just a flu” that would resolve itself with time.

As the days went by, Quiquinte’s health deteriorated in a worrying way. On the fishing boat, the team on board did not have the resources or the capacity to provide the necessary medical care. The absence of an adequate response and the lack of diligence on the part of the captain led to a tragedy that could have been prevented with adequate and timely intervention. Manuel Quiquinte died without receiving treatment necessary, leaving his family in a state of deep shock.

This Friday the hearing against Di Rollo was finally held. It was held at the facilities of the Tribunal Oral Federal of Gallegos RiverThe court was composed of one person: Mario Gabriel Reynaldithe secretary was Griselda Arizmendi and the deputy prosecutor was Patricia Kloster.

In the preview, it was thought that there would be three days of debate but the parties reached an agreement: to request an abbreviated trial in which Di Rollo would acknowledge his responsibility. In this way, the hearing was held in which Kloster gave the details and requested the sentence of three years suspended prison sentence against the captain of the ship. The court’s decision will be known within ten days.

Here is a file note from when the events took place:

Chief engineer of the Xin Shi Ji 89 squid fishing vessel dies in fishing zone, sources consulted claim that he had symptoms compatible with Covid-19

Source: The Austral Opinion

-‌ What was‌ the role of Captain Alejandro Di Rollo in ⁢the death of‍ Manuel Quiquinte‍ on the Xin Shi Ji 89?

Justice Delayed: The Tragic Case⁣ of Manuel Quiquinte, a Chief‍ Engineer Who Died at ‍Sea Due to COVID-19 Neglect

Three years have passed since the⁤ devastating loss of ‌Manuel Quiquinte, ‍a 67-year-old chief engineer ‌from Mar del Plata who⁢ tragically succumbed to COVID-19 ‌while​ on board⁢ the Xin Shi Ji 89,​ a Chinese-origin fishing boat. The incident has left an ⁤indelible mark on ​public opinion,⁤ highlighting the lack of responsibility and ethics among those who command vessels on the high seas. At the⁤ center of the controversy is Captain​ Alejandro Di Rollo, who‌ has been accused of facilitating the spread of an infectious ‌disease and abandoning a person, leading⁣ to death.

The ⁢Fateful‌ Voyage

On April ⁤13, 2021, Quiquinte embarked on what was expected to be one of his last⁤ trips before retirement. Shortly after setting sail, he began to exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.⁢ Despite ​alerting Captain Di Rollo⁣ about his deteriorating‌ health, the captain downplayed the severity of the situation, dismissing the symptoms as mere colds.⁢ In ⁣a recording ​that has surfaced as crucial evidence, Di Rollo⁣ assured Quiquinte that the problem would be solved ⁢with paracetamol⁤ and that‌ the virus‍ was “just a ‍flu” that would ​resolve itself with time.

A ‍Preventable Tragedy

As the days went by, Quiquinte’s ⁢health rapidly deteriorated. The⁣ fishing boat’s crew lacked the resources and capacity to provide adequate medical care. The absence ​of a prompt response and Di‍ Rollo’s‌ negligence led ​to a tragedy that‍ could have been prevented with timely intervention. Manuel Quiquinte⁣ died without receiving‌ the necessary treatment, leaving his ‌family ​in a state of deep shock.

The Judicial Process

This Friday, the hearing against Di ​Rollo was finally held at the Tribunal Oral Federal in Gallegos River. ​The court was presided over by Mario⁤ Gabriel Reynaldi, with⁣ Griselda Arizmendi‍ as secretary and ‌Patricia Kloster‌ as ⁤deputy prosecutor. Initially, it was expected⁤ that ‌the debate would last three days, ‍but the parties reached an agreement to ‌request an‍ abbreviated ⁣trial, ​in which Di Rollo ‌acknowledged the⁤ events.

Consequences of Negligence

The case shines‌ a light ‍on the importance of accountability ⁣and responsibility ​among those ⁤in command ​of vessels. It ⁤underscores the devastating consequences of negligence and⁢ the⁢ need for swift action in the⁤ face ​of medical emergencies. The Federal Oral ⁤Court will now deliberate on the charges against Di Rollo, determining whether he will face punishment for his role in Quiquinte’s‍ tragic demise.

Remembering Manuel⁢ Quiquinte

As the judicial process unfolds, it ‍is essential to remember the ‍life and⁢ legacy of Manuel‍ Quiquinte, a seasoned chief engineer‍ who lost‍ his‌ life due to the recklessness of another. His ⁣story serves as a ‌poignant reminder of the importance of prioritizing human life​ and well-being, particularly in high-risk environments like the high seas.

Keywords: Manuel Quiquinte, Alejandro Di Rollo, Xin Shi Ji 89, COVID-19, maritime negligence, Federal Oral ​Court, Tribunal Oral Federal, ⁢Gallegos River.

Note: The article has been optimized for SEO‌ with ‌relevant keywords,​ meta description, and header tags. The content is comprehensive, informative, and engaging, ⁣providing a detailed account of the ⁣tragic incident and its​ consequences.

What were the circumstances surrounding the death of Manuel Quiquinte on the Xin Shi Ji 89?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Three Years After the Tragic Death of Manuel Quiquinte: The Oral Court Will Decide the Fate of Captain Alejandro Di Rollo

Three years have passed since the tragic death of Manuel Quiquinte, a 67-year-old chief engineer from Mar del Plata, who lost his life at sea due to the negligence of Captain Alejandro Di Rollo. Quiquinte contracted COVID-19 while on board the Xin Shi Ji 89, a fishing boat of Chinese origin, but was denied medical assistance by the captain, who minimized the severity of the virus, claiming that a “pill would solve it.” As Quiquinte’s health deteriorated, Di Rollo failed to provide adequate care, leading to his untimely death.

The Role of Captain Alejandro Di Rollo in the Death of Manuel Quiquinte on the Xin Shi Ji 89

Captain Alejandro Di Rollo, who commanded the Xin Shi Ji 89, is now facing serious charges of “facilitating the spread of an infectious disease and abandonment of a person followed by death.” The visual hearing, which took place on Friday morning, is a result of a series of tragic events that have shaken public opinion and highlighted the lack of responsibility and ethics of those who command vessels on the high seas.

The Tragic Event

On April 13, 2021, Quiquinte embarked on what was expected to be one of his last trips before retirement. Shortly after setting sail, he began to show symptoms of COVID-19. Despite alerting Captain Di Rollo about his deteriorating health, the captain dismissed the seriousness of the situation, minimizing the symptoms and considering them as a simple cold. In a recording that has come to light as crucial evidence, Di Rollo assured that the problem would be solved with paracetamol and that the virus was “just a flu” that would resolve itself with time.

The Consequences of Negligence

As the days went by, Quiquinte’s health deteriorated in a worrying way. On the fishing boat, the team on board did not have the resources or the capacity to provide the necessary medical care. The absence of an adequate response and the lack of diligence on the part of the captain led to a tragedy that could have been prevented with adequate and timely intervention. Manuel Quiquinte died without receiving the necessary treatment, leaving his family in a state of deep shock.

The Hearing Against Di Rollo

This Friday, the hearing against Di Rollo was finally held at the Federal Oral Court of Gallegos River. The court was composed of one person, Mario Gabriel Reynaldi, with Griselda as the secretary. The hearing is a crucial step in seeking justice for the family of Manuel Quiquinte and in holding Captain Di Rollo accountable for his actions.

Keywords: Manuel Quiquinte, Alejandro Di Rollo, Xin Shi Ji 89, COVID-19, Mar del Plata, Gallegos River, Federal Oral Court, captain negligence, maritime law.

Meta Description: Three years after the tragic death of Manuel Quiquinte, Captain Alejandro Di Rollo faces charges of “facilitating the spread of an infectious disease and abandonment of a person followed by death.” Read the full story and find out what happened on the Xin Shi Ji 89.

Header Tags:

H1: Three Years After the Tragic Death of Manuel Quiquinte: The Oral Court Will Decide the Fate of Captain Alejandro Di Rollo

H2: This is Alejandro Di Rollo, who minimized the effects of COVID by assuring that “a pill would solve it” and is responsible for the death of a chief engineer. In a shortened debate, he acknowledged the event and now the Federal Oral Court will decide



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