“Captain Hniezdilov” and not only: famous Ukrainian actors visited Nizhyn to help the Armed Forces

On August 23, famous Ukrainian actors Mykhailo Kukuyuk, Roman Matsyuta and Mykhailo Zhonin visited Nizhyn. The meeting was organized by the rector of the Intercession Church, Father Mykhailo.

A charity concert was held in the “Veranda” restaurant, where funds were collected for the Armed Forces.

“A warm, sincere meeting was organized with the participation of creative people. In a friendly atmosphere, as close as possible to home, the artists performed several works a cappella”, – informs on her Facebook page, mother Darya Yakubiv. Advertising:

During the event, 74,000 hryvnias were collected for the emergency fund for the 72nd brigade of “Black Zaporozhets”. The cost of the required REB is 90,000.

“Thank you to the actors, the director of the restaurant for the excellent conditions of the event. We sincerely thank all friends and acquaintances who attended the event and donated to the Armed Forces. So I believe that we will collect another 16 thousand hryvnias as soon as possible to start the production of this much-needed device that saves the life of warriors! Together to Victory!”, says mother Daria.

Author: Daria Yakubiv

Author: Daria Yakubiv

Author: Daria Yakubiv

Author: Daria Yakubiv

Author: Daria Yakubiv

Author: Daria Yakubiv

Author: Daria Yakubiv

As MYNIZHYN reported, August 24, 2024 marked the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of the Act of Proclamation of Independence of Ukraine. In honor of the landmark event in Nizhyn, the townspeople honored the memory of the Warriors who gave their lives in the struggle for democratic values ​​and sovereignty.



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