CAPO D’ORLANDO – The Miracle of San Lorenzo – Excommunicating

Calling an Open City Council. In an open letter to the citizens of Capo d’Orlando, city councilors Renato Carlo Mangano, Sandro Gazia, Teodolinda Liotta, Felice Scafidi, and Giuseppe Truglio expressed great satisfaction for this event, which they called a true miracle.

Mayor Ingrillì has in fact accepted the invitation to convene an Open City Council, dedicated to the political and administrative analysis of the municipality. This moment is seen by the councilors as a precious opportunity to involve the entire community, including associations and experts, in an in-depth discussion on the modus operandi of the administration.

The councilors also highlighted the late awakening of some members of the majority, who have finally recognized the superficiality with which the municipal budgets have been managed in recent years.

During council sessions, it became clear that many financial documents approved in the past contained errors and inconsistencies. Council members noted that even supporters of the Ingrillì Administration admitted the unreliability of these budgets, using strong terms such as “scandalous” to describe the situation.

Furthermore, it was highlighted that the Court of Auditors had already reported serious violations of the accounting principles of Local Authorities, and that now, finally, the majority also recognizes the existence of these problems. The opposition councilors reiterated the need to continue with the “Operation Truth”, awaiting further clarifications from the Auditors on relevant issues such as the “Piccolo di Calanovella Family Foundation Dispute” and the “Porto Marina Finance Project”.

The city administrators will soon be called to answer before the Board of Auditors, the City Council and the citizens themselves, to demonstrate the truthfulness of the financial documents relating to the 2023 Financial Statement and the Safeguarding of Balances. In the meantime, it has been observed that the city continues to suffer from the lack of solid planning and problems related to ordinary administration.

Finally, the councilors urged citizens to reflect on their choices, emphasizing that the minority has always operated with intellectual honesty and professionalism, and will continue to do so for the good of the community. They concluded their letter by expressing the hope that a further “miracle” may recognize their commitment to Capo d’Orlando.

the open letter

Letter to fellow citizens – open cc



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