Capello: The biggest advantage of Pioli is that he makes the best of his talents. Milan is very strong, but the favorite to win the championship is still Inter Milan – yqqlm

Original title: Capello: Pioli’s biggest advantage is that he can make the best of his talents. Milan is very strong, but the favorite to win the championship is still Inter Milan

Capello: The biggest advantage of Pioli is that he can make the best of his talents. Milan is very strong, but the favorite to win the championship is still Inter Milan

Live it on April 29. In an interview with a reporter from Gazzetta dello Sport, Italian coach Capello talked regarding Milan this season and his views on the Serie A championship situation.

Capello said: “Milan have the best combination in Serie A: Leo and Theo. Their combination is very creative and always gives good performances. The biggest advantage of Pioli is to make talented people. The players are doing their best to bring out the best and make them a real team.”

“Nevertheless, the biggest favorite to win the Serie A title is still Inter Milan, at least from the perspective of the schedule, but in the end the side that makes no mistakes will win the championship.”

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posted on:Fujian Province

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