For the physical reopening of the Tokyo Game Show in 2022, Capcom came in force to present its games. During its digital event, the Capcom Online Program, we got some news from Exoprimal, especially regarding its history. We learn that the action takes place in 2043 and that the main character is called Ace, a soldier who works for an organization paid to repel the dinosaurs which are propelled to Earth through dimensional portals. In fact, two new dinosaurs were unveiled today: the venom-spitting Dilophosaurus and the Carnotaurus, a massive beast that rushes headlong into the fray with its razor-sharp horns. It is especially on the island of Bikitoa that the game will take place, with Exocombatants to lead, knowing that each soldier has his own way of going into battle. We will make the difference between Skywave, which is a support exoskeleton capable of flying, but also of healing its allies and obstructing the vision and movements of opponents. There’s also the samurai-inspired Murasame, who is able to fend off assaults from all sides before unleashing powerful counterattacks with his katana, Kiri-Ichimonji.
The release of Exoprimal is expected for 2023 on PC, PS5, Xbox Series, PS4 and Xbox One.