Capacity Building Workshop for Local Suppliers in the Mining Sector: Adopting ISO International Standards for Mining Companies in Mali

2023-11-02 14:33:26

The Ministry of Mines of Mali organized, on October 31, 2023, a capacity building workshop for local suppliers. Workshop which aimed to enable local suppliers in the mining sector to adopt ISO international standards in order to satisfy mining companies.

As we know, Mali is at a decisive turning point in its socio-economic development and a considerable contribution is expected from the extractive sector. Over the last ten years, the contribution of the mining sector to the state budget has been estimated on average at more than 400 billion FCFA, according to the Minister of Mines, Prof. Amadou Keïta. “Given the opportunities offered by the mining industry in the field of supplying various goods and services, strengthening the capacities of economic operators to meet the requirements of mining companies might open the way to the emergence of a class of local entrepreneurs fully integrated into the related economy of mining areas in Mali. This opportunity might also constitute a viable alternative for youth employment in these areas,” explained Minister Keïta. Indeed, according to the government, this requires a greater presence of nationals in the mining industry, in accordance with the new directions taken by the Transition authorities.

For better quality services

Initiated by the Mining Sector Governance Project (PGSM), this training is intended to enable participants to understand management systems, and above all to understand international requirements in terms of quality, environment, health and safety at work, and corporate and social responsibility. The knowledge gained during said training will therefore enable them to provide mining companies with good quality products and services, meeting the requirements of national and international standards.

It is important to emphasize that the Malian government’s new mining policy intends to further promote the integration of the mining sector into the national economy and maximize benefits for the people.

Par Drissa TraorePermanent correspondent – Burkina Faso
#Capacity #building #local #mining #suppliers



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