Canton of Fribourg: Drunk, he spins the wheels of his car and hits around thirty cycles

PostedJuly 11, 2022, 9:27 PM

An intoxicated Fribourgeois lost control of his vehicle last January. He was sentenced to a pecuniary penalty of 60 day-fines and a fine of 1,500 francs.

20min/Matthias Spicher

The accident took place during the night of January 16. After dropping off his girlfriend in the traffic lane reserved for buses and taxis, the Friborg resident started his vehicle, hit the sidewalk and hit around thirty cycles. The breathalyzer result was positive with a blood alcohol level of 0.73mg/l.

He was found guilty and sentenced to a pecuniary penalty of 60 day-fines set at 100 francs per day as well as a fine of 1,500 francs.

(20 minutes)

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