2023-06-01 22:00:00
N° 653
Registered at the Presidency of the Senate on May 30, 2023
authorizing the legalization of the consumption recreational of cannabis et supervising on production et on sale,
By Mr Gilbert-Luc DEVINAZ, Mrs Marie-Arlette CARLOTTI, MM. Yan CHANTREL, Jérôme DURAIN, Mmes Émilienne POUMIROL, Angèle PRÉVILLE, Sylvie ROBERT, MM. David ASSOULINE, Guy BENARROCHE, Joël BIGOT, Mrs Nicole BONNEFOY, MM. Daniel BREUILLER, Rémi CARDON, Mrs Hélène CONWAY-MOURET, MM. Thierry COZIC, Ronan DANTEC, Mrs Marie-Pierre de LA GONTRIE, MM. Thomas DOSSUS, Rémi FÉRAUD, Jacques FERNIQUE, Mrs Martine FILLEUL, MM. Hervé GILLÉ, Guillaume GONTARD, Mrs Laurence HARRIBEY, MM. Olivier JACQUIN, Patrice JOLY, Bernard JOMIER, Éric KERROUCHE, Joël LABBÉ, Mrs Annie LE HOUEROU, Mr Jean-Yves LECONTE, Mrs Monique LUBIN, Monique de MARCO, MM. Didier MARIE, Serge MÉRILLOU, Ms. Michelle MEUNIER, Marie-Pierre MONIER, Mr. Paul Toussaint PARIGI, Ms. Raymonde PONCET MONGE, Mr. Christian REDON-SARRAZY, Ms. Laurence ROSSIGNOL, MM. Daniel SALMON, Jean-Claude TISSOT and Mrs Mélanie VOGEL,
(Sent to committee social affairssubject to the possible constitution of a special committee under the conditions provided for by the Rules.)
#Cannabis #consumption #supervision #production #sale