Canker sores: causes, symptoms, treatments

Written by
Marie Lesbats

On 01.03.2023 at 08:13

Modified on 01.03.2023 at 8:13 a.m.

Following an unsuitable diet, poor oral hygiene, a hormonal change, canker sores can appear. It is a mouth ulceration which normally disappears following a maximum of fifteen days. It is painful and can be treated easily. We tell you everything.


A person under stress, intense fatigue or suffering from an autoimmune disease may be prone to the appearance of mouth sores. Certain medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics or even anticoagulants can also be the cause of an outbreak of canker sores. As well as chemotherapy and radiotherapy prescribed in the context of cancer are two factors that trigger mouth ulceration.

How canker sores appear?

Canker sores can appear when wearing protruding dental appliances that irritate the mucous membranes. They also occur at the time of women’s menstrual cycle and are probably due in this case to hormonal changes. As for the question of food, certain foods promote the growth of these mouth ulcers. We are thinking in particular of Gruyère, tomatoes, with lemon, strawberries, oilseeds or even peanuts. And when you have recurrent canker sores? It may be worth asking do blood tests to detect whether or not iron or vitamin B deficiency (B9 and B12). If it turns out to be positive, it might possibly explain this mild infection.


How to get rid of canker sores in the mouth?

Canker sores disappear on their own following a maximum of 15 days in general. But there are still treatments to relieve pain and accelerate healing.

What products are used to make canker sores disappear?

You can make mouthwashes with aspirin, use antiseptics and anesthetics when the pain becomes unbearable. It is also possible to apply gels locally. More recently, a method of treatment with practiced laser by dentists has proven its effectiveness in making pain disappear very quickly.

How to treat a canker sore Grandma’s remedy?

A grandmother’s remedy for canker sores? The mouthwashes baking soda, with infusions of fresh thyme, calendula, certain essential oils or even propolis in local application are known for their antiseptic action which relieves ulcerations of the oral mucosa.

How to get rid of a canker sore overnight?


Canker sores can be dried overnight. However, the method can be painful. Indeed, usinga mouthwash to salt water with a glass of lukewarm water, you rinse your mouth for 30 seconds or one minute. Then you spit the water out following a minute. You can do it all day. It’s exhausting, but before night falls, your canker sores will have dried up.

How to avoid canker sores?

If we can treat them, avoid them, that’s even better. So how? We wear particular attention to its dental hygiene (brushing teeth, regular mouthwashes). We don’t forget dental consultations to check that our teeth do not present any particular problems, and we monitor the foods that trigger ulcerations automatically.

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