Candy, the Dog Who Survived a Bird of Prey Attack: The Incredible Story from Rata’s Animal Shelter in East Flanders

2023-06-02 16:55:00

Ines Nicque is the head of the Rata’s Aniaml Shelter shelter, in East Flanders, where the little dog Candy stays. Last Tuesday, Ines found her injured, thinking she had been attacked by another dog. But the reality was quite different…

“His injuries did not look like bites,” she told our colleagues from HLN. “When we analyzed the images from our surveillance cameras, we were flabbergasted. »

While she was sleeping, Candy was violently attacked by a bird of prey. “The raptor grabbed Candy and took her into the air before finally dropping her,” she continues.

The animal is safe, but seriously injured, due to the bird’s sharp claws, but also to its heavy fall, which dislocated its hip. Candy has since had surgery.

#raptor #grabbed #carried #air

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