Cándido Conde-Pumpido Varela suffers a psychotic break while trying to enter Mediaset

Cándido Conde-Pumpido is back in the news for his questionable behavior. Two weeks following it came to light that he was arrested for the crime of attempted murder once morest his ex-partner, the son of the president of the Constitutional Court has been admitted this Monday to the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid following suffering a psychotic break at the door of Mediaset.

The lawyer arrived at around a quarter to six in the morning at the Mediaset facilities, located in the district of Fuencarral, shouting to be allowed to enter. According to account ABCcalled for the Data Protection Law for some recordings that exist regarding him whose content is unknown and which, at the moment, have not been broadcast on television.

The security guards were in charge of preventing him from entering when they saw that he was very upset and, according to what they said, under the influence of some narcotic substance. Thus they proceeded to notify the National Police, who requested the presence of the Municipal Police because Conde-Pumpido remained inside his car and might be committing a crime once morest road safety.

Upon the arrival of the local agents, a drug test that came back positive. The Samur-Civil Protection also went to the scene to treat him and determined that he was suffering a psychotic break, so he was transferred to the Psychiatry unit of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital, located a few minutes from Mediaset.

Arrested for another incident in April

On April 26, Conde-Pumpido Varela was released following testifying before a gender violence court in Madrid in which he had appeared as a detainee for a complaint for alleged threats made once morest him by a Brazilian woman who claimed to be his ex. .

Conde-Pumpido Jr. was arrested on that occasion by the Civil Guard following a Brazilian woman reported days before that he had threatened her when they were both traveling in a car on the A-6. Investigation sources indicated that he forced her to get out of the vehicle and, immediately followingwards, she reported it to the Villalba barracks.

It is worth remembering that in January of this year the Justice Department closed the proceedings opened once morest him for the alleged commission of a crime of sexual assault. The Investigative Court Number 31 of Madrid investigated him following a complaint from a woman of Brazilian origin for events that supposedly occurred last November at the Conde-Pumpido Varela chalet in the San Blas district.

The head of that Court adopted that decision following the complainant went to the Plaza de Castilla courts and withdrew the complaint once morest Conde-Pumpido and two other men, waiving the corresponding civil and criminal actions.



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