Candidate sets dates for receiving files and judges ask for another form of evaluation to be applied

The nomination committee for the Court of Appeals has already defined the dates for receiving applications and the way in which candidates will be evaluated. In addition, a group of judges submitted a petition to the committee so that the evaluation does not include the filters included in the grading table prepared by the commissioners, since they maintain that, as members of the Judicial Career, their performance is evaluated by the council.

The group of judges submitted the petition to the nomination committee of the Court of Appeals at 11:23 p.m., when the nomination committee was still in session fine-tuning the aspects of the call for candidates, and requested that a full and rigorous application of the Judicial Career Law be carried out.

The document is to be analyzed by the 37 commissioners who concluded their first meeting at 1:20 a.m. on Sunday, August 18. The meeting began on July 31 and had remained in permanent session due to the lack of agreements on the venue.

In a preliminary proposal for a schedule that was accepted with 32 votes, it was agreed that the call for applicants will be made on Tuesday, August 20. From that day until Saturday, August 24, the files will be received at the central headquarters of the Rafael Landívar University (URL).

Each file will be subject to an agreed evaluation using the grading table, which measures academic, professional, human projection and ethical merits.

The table rates candidates on a scale of 100 points, but a cut-off point of 64 points was agreed upon, meaning that only those who reach that score can be considered suitable to be included in the list that must be submitted to Congress.

But judges and magistrates who want to opt for the magistracies for the period 2024-2029 seek not to be classified in this way. According to a document submitted to the commission that was signed by judges Pablo Xitumul de Paz, Saúl Orlando Álvarez Ruiz, Romeo Otoniel Gálvez Vargas, Lisbeth Mireya Batún Betancourt, Ana Margarita Leonardo Segura and Carlos Arsenio Pérez Cheguen.

Judge Pérez Cheguen, speaking about the assessment, explained that the request is “the application of the procedure established in the Law of the Judicial Career so that the members who belong to the Judicial Career, in this case judges and magistrates, have access to the nomination commission through the procedure that establishes the expression of interest and subsequently the submission of the files of those who have expressed interest by the Judicial Career Council.

“This file has a specific weighting, which would allow the nominating committees to take this file into consideration, with the weighting it already has, and save them a lot of time,” explained Judge Pérez Cheguen when submitting the proposal.

Delivery of files

On Saturday, August 17, the nominating committee agreed to a mixed venue for the commission, with the URL being the one to hold most of the sessions, and to receive and keep files.

The final vote for the list of candidates will be held by the Congress of the Republic.

The preparation of the curriculum includes sections on personal data, academic and professional merits and human projection. “The applicant must consider each of the items in the grading table which will be available on the electronic portal.

The file must be submitted in the order of the registration application form,” explains the monitoring organization Guatemala Visible on its electronic portal.

Each professional must submit a summary of their professional experience on a maximum of two pages and a digital copy of the complete file in PDF format, in a single file.

“You must submit an original and a physical copy of the file. The delivery will be personal, not restrictive. Finally, a declaration stating that you have no objection to the applicant’s information being public was included in the form,” the organization explains.

The files will be submitted at the URL central campus, in the Pedro Claver room. The form can be requested in the room described above or downloaded from the commission’s electronic portal:

Since new appeals chambers have been opened, the list of candidates to be sent to Congress will be 318 candidates. Previously, this list was 270 candidates.

Although the nominating body has already defined the call, reception of files and even the date of review of paperwork for August 26 and 27, there are still pending phases. According to the Guatemala Visible monitoring portal, the Appeals nominating body has so far made 3% progress.

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