- The Campodónico Award, organized by the UDEP and the Clover Foundation, opens its call in the area of Outstanding Professional Activity. People or groups with outstanding careers in their professional practice may be proposed.
This award recognizes and encourages, since 1995, people and institutions that with their institutional activity or their professional work contribute significantly to the improvement of Peruvian society, with a special positive impact on the most vulnerable sectors of the population.
The call for this twenty-ninth edition is for the Outstanding Professional Activity area; The application registration process is virtual and free. It will be open until 12:00 noon. of April 21. Candidates (people or groups of people) must be proposed by public or private organizations that carry out their main activity in Peruvian territory, in accordance with the current rules, available on the Esteban Campodónico Award website: www.udep.edu.pe/campodonico.
The person or group that wins the call will receive a diploma, a medal of honor and $50,000 from the legacy of Dr. Esteban Campodónico Figallo. There is no possibility of a tie
The award
The Esteban Campodónico Award was born in 1994, by agreement between the University of Piura and the Clover Foundation of New York, to fulfill the testamentary will of Mr. Esteban Campodónico Figallo (1866-1938).
Since 1995, it has been convened uninterruptedly. It is awarded alternately every year in the areas of Direct Services to Society and Outstanding Professional Activity.
In previous editions, in the Outstanding Professional Activity category, prizes have been awarded to renowned professionals, including Ruth Shady, director of the Caral-Supe Special Archaeological Project; Marino Morikawa, specialist in nanotechnology and recovery of natural habitats; and Humberto Guerra, co-founder of the Alexander Von Humboldt Institute of Tropical Medicine. For more information, you can visit the program’s website limase.pe/summer-school-2023/.
Registration is now open and can be done virtually at the following link: https://form.jotformz.com/72433460954660.
Entries may be made until April 21, 2023, virtually, through a form hosted on the award website (www.udep.edu.pe/campodonico). Guidance may be requested from the Executive Secretary of the Prize, by telephone (01) 2139600, annex 2069; WhatsApp (51) 937 510 826 or via email at [email protected].