Cancer, you may receive unpleasant news, try to keep your cool, don’t let pessimism overwhelm you…

Almost at the turn of the day, the Moon moved into Gemini, but we will have a little time to feel liveliness and carelessness, since it will make a square with Saturn in Pisces, so it is logical that there will be a gradual lack of fun and excitement, possibly various problems, which will arise and need immediate resolution.

Maybe, again, a feeling of limitation, anxiety will come over us and it would be good for us to throw it into occupational therapy and not have a lot of back and forth with people who we know are pressuring us or irritating us so that it doesn’t get us down. From the evening, the climate will lighten, we will be more outgoing, we will regain our good mood.


With the Moon moving into the sign of Gemini in your 3rd, you will be in a good mood and your energy level will be quite high. You will have a lot of mobility and generally quite an active day, you will be subjective but direct, efficient and immovable. You will have several conversations with relatives, neighbors and people close to you, you will have deals and transactions to settle and above all a great need for communication and curiosity. It is even possible to close an agreement orally. In the evening, the square of the Moon will form with retrograde Saturn from your 12th and you will be caught by insecurities that you will have to overcome. It is possible that a meeting will be postponed.


With the Moon in the sign of Gemini in your 2nd, you will focus on financial matters. There may be some discussions and negotiations, you will try to schedule bills and payments while at the same time you will have a tendency to have a good time and shop. In the evening, however, with the square of the Moon with retrograde Saturn from the 11th, you will be a bit tight and the truth is that because of your insecurity, you will be a bit tight especially if they ask you for money to do some work for you . It is possible that if someone from your circle of friends owes you money, he/she cannot allow you to, and you become spoiled and grow cold between you.


With the Moon in your sign and in your 1st, you will be quite self-centered, communicative, you will want the spotlight and eyes on you. The introversion of the previous days is as if it didn’t exist, you rediscover your sociability and the need to communicate with people to promote yourself. Nevertheless, on the night when the Moon will form a square with retrograde Saturn from your 10th, your mood will deteriorate due to some issues that exist in your business and affect your performance and your psychology. You are likely to feel alone, without anyone’s support and to become even more stressed.


Introversion and isolation with the Moon in Gemini in your 12th may bring mixed feelings, but mainly you will be insecure. Today is not one of the most social days and if you have to go out you will be quite collected and fearful, with many dilemmas and even guilt. On the night when the Moon forms a square with retrograde Saturn from your 9th, you may receive unpleasant news from relatives or from someone abroad. Try to keep your cool, don’t let pessimism overwhelm you and make sure you get in touch with people who are in a good and optimistic mood.


You will have a fairly social day with the Moon in the sign of Gemini and in your 11th, you will have a fairly good and light mood, an increased tendency to communicate and exchange opinions and information and you will make sure to develop your social environment by making new acquaintances with important people who will probably need you in the future. On the night when the square of the Moon will be formed with Saturn from your 8th, you should be careful because some of your plans will be blocked resulting in some extra obligations. You may need to help a friend who is facing moral dilemmas and you may have to worry about it yourself.


Today the Moon is in the sign of Gemini in your 10th to push you to deal with social and professional matters. You will be consistent and organized, you will show a spirit of good cooperation and you will make sure to complete your obligations so that you do not find yourself exposed in the eyes of others. In the evening, however, it is most likely that with the square of the Moon with retrograde Saturn from your 7th, you will get stressed, feel pressure due to some social obligations and social issues, while it is possible that you will have to resolve some inheritance or financial issues that are pending from the past. In any case, you will not be in your best mood and you are likely to have unpleasant thoughts and negative feelings.


A relatively pleasant day for you with the Moon moving in the sign of Gemini on your 9th, you will do everything in your power to escape from your daily obligations. Even if you cannot avoid them, you will face them with optimism, philosophizing about people and situations, but the most likely thing is that you will do many different things and your day will be characterized by variety. In the evening, however, you will gather since the square of the Moon will be formed with the retrograde Saturn from your 6th and the additional obligations will make you temporarily forget freedoms and daydreams, resulting in you being emotionally and physically charged since you will feel tired and your energy will is lost.


It’s a day when you’re likely to be moody and secretive with the Moon in Gemini in your 8th. You will have a tendency to easily psychologize others, strong intuitions in general and especially for financial and emotional matters. In the emotional sector, you may create various scenarios, become suspicious and, without any substantial reason, develop obsessions, insecurities and jealousies. You hide thoughts, words and feelings and especially on the night when the square of the Moon will be formed with Saturn from your 5th, you feel lonely, abandoned, as a result of which your psychology plummets. You will have anxiety about your partner’s money or your alimony if you are separated.


With the Moon in Gemini in your 7th, you will have the need to feel accepted by your social environment and especially by your partner, as a result you are yielding, giving, debatable and communicative. or. Whatever comes up you will have the flexibility to manage it since you will show understanding. However, on the evening when the square of the Moon will be formed with retrograde Saturn from your 4th, problems that will arise or that will be discussed and that are pending from the past will spoil your mood, resulting in the atmosphere being somewhat heavy and you feeling emotional pressure. The truth is that you don’t have it with the limitations, however some issues require maturity and you should find it.


With the Moon having moved into Gemini in your 6th, you will be in the mood to settle obligations both at home and at your workplace, if you are working today. You will mainly deal with practical matters, bill payments or the current affairs of your daily life. Because in general you will be helpful, it is not excluded that you will do various tasks that mainly concern your partner. The night the Moon squares your retrograde Saturn from your 3rd, there will be some delays and postponements that will tire you out quite a bit. You will become quite critical, harsh and easily make others feel bad, so be careful with your criticism.


With the Moon in Gemini in your 5th, the main concern of the day will be expressing your needs, desires, having fun and expressing yourself through flirting and love. You will have a happy and optimistic mood, you will be quite communicative especially if you are going to claim the person you like. You will devote yourself to your children’s activities and spend constructive and productive time with them. In the evening, however, with the Moon square to retrograde Saturn from your 2nd, you may be limited, an outing or a romantic date may be postponed and your self-confidence may be shaken.


The Moon moves into the sign of Gemini in your 4th, to make you even more aware especially of the issues concerning your family and the home, since issues will arise in the home. Your interest in the outside world decreases, you become introverted and disturb your past and roots through your contact with the members of your paternal family. It is one of those days when in order to trust someone, they must be a person of your absolute trust and yet the evening when the square of the Moon will be formed with retrograde Saturn from your 1st, in your attempt to “protect” yourself you, you will become harsh, critical and as a result you will become cold with a person close to you.


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#Cancer #receive #unpleasant #news #cool #dont #pessimism #overwhelm #you..



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