Canceling the operation of “Apex Legends M” and suspending the development of “Battlefield Mobile”, EA’s mobile game market strategy is facing changes- mashdigi-Technology, New Products, Interests, Trends

EA earlierAnnounceTermination of operation of the “Apex Heroes M” (Apex Legends Mobile) mobile game launched in April 2021, and also confirmed that the development of the “Battlefield Mobile” (Battlefield Mobile) mobile game will be suspended.

According to EA’s announcement, although “Apex Hero M” attracts many players to play, and even wonApple’s 2022 App Store Awards, but still did not reach the actual expected target, so it was decided to terminate the operation. “Battlefield Mobile” is in response to the different needs of the game market and the continuous growth of the ecosystem of “Battlefield” launched in the past. Therefore, it has decided to adjust the direction of product development and will terminate the release of this mobile game.

At the same time, EA emphasized that it will continue to promote the ecological growth of “Battlefield” in the future, and is committed to improving the game content of “Battlefield 2042”, so as to attract more players to join.

But with the termination of development on Battlefield Mobile, the Industrial Toys studio responsible for creating the game will also be shutting down.

“Apex Heroes M” is expected to be closed within 90 days from now, and all content purchased through payment will be prohibited. At the same time, the in-game store system will also be closed, but players can still continue to use the remaining content before the game is officially closed Play with virtual currency.

The closure of “Apex Heroes M” will not affect the desktop version and home console version of “Apex Heroes”, which itself is an independently operated product.

On the other hand, the announcement of the termination of the operation and development of two mobile games seems to highlight the change of EA’s development strategy in the mobile game market.



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