Can you feel ovulation? All info

Many women feel a tummy ache in the middle of their cycle and wonder if they can feel ovulation. This can vary from woman to woman and manifest itself in different ways. In principle it is possible.

Can you feel ovulation? These signs point to it

The monthly period is annoying for many women and often associated with great pain. However, some women experience pain in the middle of their cycle, which coincides with ovulation.

  • It is generally possible to feel your ovulation, but the symptoms different from woman to woman. However, most describe a stabbing pain in the left or right lower abdomen. The pain can also be perceived differently, such as dull or throbbing.
  • This pain is also known as middle pain. Sometimes the pain also radiates into the rest of the abdomen up to the ribs or spine.
  • There are various theories as to how the pain develops. On the one hand, researchers suspect that when the follicle from which the egg cell comes, the tension breaks and thus pain arises.
  • According to another theory, the pain is caused by fluid leaking out when the follicle ruptures. This can irritate the peritoneum and cause pain.

This is how you can determine when you are ovulating

In addition to the middle pain, there are other signs that you are ovulating. This can be especially true for couples who get pregnant want to be helpful.

  • First of all, if you have a regular cycle, you can calculate when you will ovulate. This always happens 12 to 16 days before the end of the cycle, i.e. the last day before the onset of bleeding.
  • Furthermore, when you ovulate, your cervix is ​​open and softer. If you do that Check the cervix regularlyyou can tell the difference with a little practice.
  • In addition, you can Measure basal body temperature, i.e. your body temperature directly after getting up. This is increased by up to 0.6 °C after ovulation.
  • Besides, your Zervixschleim, the discharge from your vagina, a different consistency and colour: During and before ovulation it occurs more frequently and is more viscous. This makes it easier for sperm to be transported to the fallopian tube.
  • Also, your breasts may be tighter and more sensitive. In addition, many women during their ovulation and also before one increased libido have, i.e. feel more desire for sex.
  • With Ovulationstests you can also tell if you are ovulating or not. You can also track your cycle with apps and see your fertile days coming. This is like an onlinerules calendar.
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