Can you eat kiwis before sleeping?

2023-12-04 18:45:00

Many beliefs still circulate regarding our fruits and vegetables… And the kiwi don’t escape the rule ! This small hairy fruit, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, is often considered a healthy snack. But a question remains: is it really wise to eat it just before going to bed? Don’t we risk to disrupt our sleep ? We take stock with Florence Thorez, dietician-nutritionist.

Benefits of kiwi for sleep: is it really good to eat it in the evening?

Kiwis are famous for their high content of vitamin C, fiber, potassium and antioxidants, notes the expert. Their consumption contributes to general good health, strengthens the immune system and promotes healthy digestion. Furthermore, count on average 60.5 kcal per 100 g of kiwi compared to 54.5 kcal per 100 g of Gala apples. In other words, consumed as part of a balanced diet, kiwis are not likely to impact your figure!

According to one of the Taïwan Taipei Medical Universitypublished in 2011 in the journal Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (source 1), the antioxidants present in kiwi would allow you to fall asleep more quickly… To reach this conclusion, the researchers asked 24 volunteers suffering from sleep disorders to eat two kiwis per day, one hour before going to bed, for four weeks. Results ? 42% of volunteers fell asleep more quickly. In detail, they took on average 35% less time to fall asleep and their overall sleep time increased by 13%. However, the conclusions of this study called for additional, larger-scale work that has not been carried out since…

Let’s be clear, the kiwi is not particularly rich in tryptophan, in vitamin B3 (1% of recommended daily intake), in vitamin B6 (2% of recommended daily intake) or in vitamin B9 (7% of recommended daily intake). In other words, it is not THE best fruit to promote the production of serotonin, involved in the production of melatonin, the famous sleep hormone which regulates our sleep-wake cycle. That said, we count 11 g of carbohydratesper 100 g of kiwi (source 2). “However, carbohydrates increase insulin levels, which promote the passage of tryptophan across the blood-brain barrier, facilitating the synthesis of melatonin,” explains Florence Thorez.

Furthermore, kiwi contains 2.4 g of dietary fiber per 100 g, too little to promote good digestion on its own and limit gastrointestinal discomfort before sleeping.

The kiwi is rather acidic, rich in water and vitamin C, not recommended before sleeping…

As you will have understood, the sedative benefits of kiwi are not entirely convincing. Conversely, two elements alert Florence Thorez to the late consumption of kiwi: their richness in water, their richness in vitamin C et their richness in acids.

According to the expert, it is impossible to consider kiwi as a fruit promoting sleep, as 100 g of kiwi contains 81.9 mg of vitamin C, or 74% of the recommended daily intake. It’s hard to imagine falling asleep within an hour of such a burst of energy!

Another inconvenience, the kiwi is composed of 83.5% water… No need to imagine, consuming one or two kiwis just before sleeping might well cause an urgent need to urinate in the middle of the night and wake you up. Avoid, therefore, if you have a small bladder or if you suffer from urinary incontinence.

Finally, the very high concentration of acids (acitric acid, quinic acid, malic acid) can cause gastrointestinal problems in some people, disrupting the quality of their sleep. For Florence Thorez, it is therefore better to avoid this little fruit before bed!

When and how should you eat kiwi to benefit from its benefits?

If you still plan to eat or two kiwis at the start of the evening, try to eat them at least two hours before you go to bed. Choose it as ripe as possible. And, ideally, consume it in season (between November and May). This way, you will benefit from better fruits and preserve the planet on your scale.

How many kiwis can you eat per day?

Ideally, do not exceed two or even three kiwis per day ! Kiwis can be delicious additions to your diet, but to avoid disrupting sleep, the key lies in informed and balanced consumptione.

Beyond diet, what sleep routine to sleep better?

Consumption of kiwi and diet in general are unfortunately not enough to guarantee better quality of sleep. Several factors must be taken into account:

  • Go to bed, get up and eat breakfast at set times.
  • Reduce the light intensity in your room and make sure it stays calm and sufficiently cool.
  • Establish a digital curfew to avoid blue light from screens and favor relaxing activities before going to bed.
  • Expose yourself to natural light and practice regular physical activity during the daypreferably outdoors.
  • Turn to stress management techniquessuch as meditation, deep breathing or yoga to learn to release mental and physical tension.
  • Avoid checking the time once you are in bed, as this can increase sleep-related stress.

And if your sleep problems persist, consult a healthcare professional to discuss your sleep habits and a possible underlying problem!

#eat #kiwis #sleeping



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