Can there be a war between America and China? A senior American general said

A four-star US Air Force general has warned that ongoing tensions between the US and China over Taiwan could lead to war between the US and China in 2025.

According to news agency AFP, in a memorandum released on social media on Friday, Air Mobility Command General Mike Moneyhunn said that our primary objective should be to deter them and, if necessary, defeat China.

He instructed his commanders to make all their preparations this year, saying, “I want to be proven wrong, but I guess we will have a war by 2025.”

Explaining the reason for this prediction, the American general said that there are presidential elections in Taiwan next year, which can justify military aggression to China, while the United States itself will be engaged in the competition for a new president in the White House.

The memorandum written by the US Secretary of State has been confirmed by the Pentagon, in which he added that the team, circumstances, events and reasons of Chinese President Xi Jinping are consistent with 2025.

In this memorandum, all personnel of the mobile command team have been directed to conduct firing range practice and head targeting training.

A Pentagon spokesman confirmed the memo to AFP, saying it was indeed sent.

In recent times, senior US politicians and officials have repeatedly said that China’s efforts to take control of Taiwan are accelerating with each passing day.

In August of last year, China conducted large-scale military exercises that were described as the starting point of China’s preparations for an invasion of Taiwan, as the exercises were conducted at a time when Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. was

US officials have been calling for an increase in military aid to Taiwan, where they say the importance of being prepared to counter any aggression has become even greater after Ukraine’s attack on Russia.

It should be noted that the US shifted its diplomatic relations from Taipei to Beijing in 1979, but it remains a key ally of Taiwan and maintains de facto diplomatic relations with Taipei.

Washington’s official policy is against Taiwan’s declaration of independence and China’s forcible change of the island’s status.

Visits to Taiwan by senior US officials have been ongoing for decades, with House Speaker Newt Gingrich visiting in 1997.

But the number of US visits has increased under both former presidents Donald Trump and Biden.

In response to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s aggressive stance, Taiwan has also made delegation-level visits to Europe and other Western allies in recent years.

#war #America #China #senior #American #general
2024-09-04 09:33:27



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