Can the keto diet fight cancer?

Scientists have discovered that this diet plan, which is based on limiting carbohydrates and increasing the rate of fat, can help make treatments Pancreatic cancer More effective.

They said the keto diet deprives pancreatic tumors of the energy they need to survive.

In the study, the research team divided laboratory mice into 4 groups, where one group was fed according to the keto diet, another group was fed a typical diet, another group followed a typical diet with a cancer drug, and the last group was fed a keto diet with a cancer drug.

The team explained that the drug presented is a new experimental compound, known as eFT508, which works by preventing pancreatic tumors from metabolizing fats.

At the end of the experiment, the scientists found that the mice in the keto diet and cancer drug group experienced the greatest tumor shrinkage.

The team said this was due to the release of a protein called eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), which helps the body metabolise fat, and is stimulated by a low-carb diet. Since pancreatic cancer cells thrive on fat, it is thought this helps to starve pancreatic tumours of energy.

“We now have conclusive evidence of one way that diet can be used alongside existing cancer treatments to precisely eliminate cancer,” said study author Dr. David Ruggiero.

Ruggiero developed eFT508 in collaboration with Dr. Kevan Shokat, professor of cellular and molecular pharmacology at the University of California, San Francisco, in the 2000s, and the drug has shown some success in clinical trials.

It is noteworthy that the keto diet includes completely excluding bread, rice and pasta, as well as sweets, chocolate and cakes, while consuming limited quantities of dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

The diet aims to force the body to burn fat for energy, instead of glucose.

Source: Daily Mail

#keto #diet #fight #cancer
2024-08-16 16:43:57



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