Can Kim and Collin still win?

Kim Virginia and Collin can already smell the prize money. But shortly before the final challenge in season 5, they get a shock: an accident could ruin their plans.

The grand finale of “Beauty & The Nerd” 2024

The most important things in brief

  • The 5th season of “Beauty & The Nerd” ended brilliantly.

  • Eight unequal teams had to complete challenges together on Ko Samui. One of them was computer nerd Collin and Beauty Kim Virginia.

  • In episode 6 the Sieg of the two in danger: Immediately before the finale, Collin is injured in the “Beauty & The Nerd” villa. Doctors check Collin’s injuries: Will he get the green light?

  • Who is in Cast of the 5th seasonl still there? Here you can find all beauties and nerds at a glance.

+++ Update, 19. September 2024 +++

Last night in the villa: It’s going to be wet and wild!

The evening before the big “Beauty & The Nerd” finale the eliminated nerds return with new looks back to the villa. The remaining residents are particularly happy about Kilian’s return. And that is not only due to his presence: The film nerd has a great Bucket of alcoholic beverages Kim doesn’t hesitate and opens the Party evening with wild pool activities.

Accident shortly before the finale: The end for Kim and Collin on “Beauty & The Nerd”?

But as the evening progresses, the alcohol level also increases. Danger of slipping in the villa. The pool water has now spread across the marble floor in the villa.

And then it happened: Collin was seriously injured when he fell on the wet stairs upon his return from the bathroom slips and falls down the slippery steps.

I bruised my right arm, cut a few fingers and got a few scratches on my leg.

Does this mean that the final and the chance to win 50,000 in prize money are now in danger? Not if it’s up to Collin. The IT nerd grits his teeth and wants to give everything for his beauty partner in the final.

I would also tear my arm off to win this thing!

Before the game begins, Colin’s injuries are checked again by a medical team. They give the all-clear and the finale Challenge can begin.

Kim and Collin win season 5

Kim Virginia and Collin and their opponents are in the Salvatore and Joelle face a big task: you have to go through four exams fight to earn as many Nerd Coins as possible.

The tension is stretched to breaking point when the Counting in the “Beauty & The Nerd” villa. In the end, it is close between the couples, but Kim and Collin have the Nose ahead.

This makes them the Winners of the 5th season of “Beauty & The Nerd” and go home with prize money of 50,000 euros.

The 5th season of “Beauty & The Nerd” has come to a brilliant end. You can watch all episodes of this and previous seasons for free on Joyn streaming.

Fancy “Beauty & The Nerd”?

All news from the “Beauty & The Nerd” finale

How quickly time passes – “Beauty & The Nerd” 2024 is already over. But who won? And what happened in episode 6? Here we have the most important news:

+++ Update, 12. September 2024 +++

The final is just around the corner

“Beauty & The Nerd” is slowly but surely moving towards grand finale Anyone who still has one of the coveted tickets If you want to secure your place, you have to take part in one of the last team challenges.

That it is now in the hot phase Kim Virginia and her nerd partner Collin also know what’s going on. “Securing the win now means everything. Especially in the final spurt, every game is important,” explains the beauty in a joint interview.

Kim and Collin secure their place in the next round

The first Chancedem Finale They have the opportunity to get closer in the challenge “I’m at a loss for words”. A “Beauty & The Nerd” classic: In the presence of the others, the couples have to describe items from the world of beauty and nerd without naming them.

A easy game for Kim and Collinas it quickly turns out. The two understand each other perfectly and guess one object after the other.

It somehow works well because we are simply iconic.

In the end, one thing is clear: 15 correctly named terms Kim and Collin go as Winning team from the challenge. This means that the reality queen and the IT nerd are safely in the next round and are making great strides towards victory and the 50,000 euros.

The others will definitely have a shit now, but we won’t. And that’s the main thing!

+++ Update, 22. August 2024 +++

Hail of points: Power duo Kim Virginia and Collin march through the Exit Challenge

Before the exit quiz, things are getting heated: nomination is the Mood heated up and Things are getting heated between Linda and Kim Virginia. At the end of the Exit-Quiz from episode 2 Kim and nerd partner Collin against Vanessa and Kris With each three votes The teams enter the challenge in which they three questions from the beauty nerd world.

Kim can immediately take the lead with question 1: “Under what name is ‘he who must not be named’ better known in a film?” And the Mannheim native is doing well: she can answer all three questions correctly.

Vanessa on the other hand, stumbles and cannot give a correct answer to any of the questions.

Only one question left to win

IT student Collin now only has to a correct answer to win the exit challenge for his team. The nerd can immediately answer the question “What is the name of the famous Indian textbook on the art of love?” with “Kamasutra”. Kim and Collin shaved the Exit Challenge with 4:0 and throw Vanessa and Kris out of the villa with a clear victory.

I’m really proud of Kim. I never expected her to score 3-0 so easily.

Collin on Kim’s performance in the exit quiz

The winning team proudly returns to the villa. “Now I get broadcast time again“, says Kim Virginia, happy about staying on the show.

+++ Original message +++

The best comes last!

Kim Virginia waits in vain for her nerd. After all Beautys have already found their perfect match, the woman from Mannheim is almost giving up hope. Is she perhaps too picky and now has to take what’s left?

Quite the opposite! Because it hits her better than she expected. With many prayers, the beauty finally manifests her Collin The first glance brings Kim Virginia to beam. She even has the champagne glasses ready for the student!

Match made in heaven

Visually, the two are a perfect match right from the start. Collins peroxide blonde hair have it the Beauty immediately impressed, because she also wears a blonde mane.

I love this, you are truly iconic with that blonde hair!

And not only that: As if Kim Virginia had known it, her nerd is interested in Computer technology. Another commonality, because the The influencer has four semesters AInformatics studied.

“Yes, I want” – or something like that

After Collin had no chance to beat Kim Virginia with his “Icebreaker” saying To convince people of his abilities, he definitely wants to do that again.

I want to ask you if you want to accept my cookies and hack something together with me.

This is the end of the Mannheim native! The 28-year-old proudly presents the other Beautys your Nerd before.

More from “Beauty & The Nerd”

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All the exciting topics about “Beauty & The Nerd” this summer.

The hottest news from “Beauty & The Nerd” 2024

In episode 4, there was something big again for the beauties and nerds. In addition to an exciting challenge, tears included, there was also the first makeover. Two nerds were given a completely new look by Thomas Rath. You can find all the news here:



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