Can I remain covered by family insurance as a student?

Can I remain covered by family insurance as a student?

Hamburg (dpa/tmn) – It is the cheapest solution for students: to still be insured through their parents. This is possible through the contribution-free family insurance within the statutory health insurance system, according to the Association of Insured Persons.

Prerequisite: The student is insured through a parent in the statutory health insurance scheme and is younger than 25 years old. However, this age limit can also be pushed back: if, for example, voluntary military service or another legally recognized voluntary service has been performed, the period is extended by the duration of this service.

Important: Family insurance only applies as long as the student’s monthly income remains below a certain limit. If they only have a mini-job, this is 538 euros. Otherwise, regular earnings must not exceed 505 euros per month. In addition, there is a flat rate for business expenses of 1,230 euros per year, which increases the potential earnings even further when broken down monthly.

By the way: Students can also be covered by family insurance through their spouse, provided they are married. In this case, the income limits apply, but there is no age limit.

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