Can I Eat Dates with Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Find out the Benefits and Risks

2023-09-03 15:50:13

06:47 PM, Sunday, September 03, 2023

Books – Saber Najah:

Some people with irritable bowel syndrome wonder regarding the possibility of eating dates in their daily diet, for fear that it will have negative effects on their health.

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In this regard, Dr. Sherif Hatta, a public health and preventive medicine consultant, said that dates are among the fruits that are beneficial for the health of the digestive system, and the reason is due to their high content of dietary fiber.

Hetta added that the dietary fiber found in dates helps improve bowel movement, facilitate digestion and excretion, and reduce indigestion, constipation and other digestive disorders.

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The public health consultant explained that it is better for patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome to stay away from dates or eat them in moderate quantities, because it may cause some digestive disorders, especially when they are excessive.

He pointed out that dates contain a high percentage of fructose sugar, which triggers symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome when its levels are high in the body, such as flatulence.

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Hetta confirmed that there is another reason that requires Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients to be careful when eating dates, which is their richness in carbohydrates called FODMAPs.

It revealed that FODMAPs are not digested in the small intestine or take a long time to be absorbed, and as they accumulate in the digestive system, Irritable Bowel Syndrome irritates and stomach cramps occur.

According to the “Nutrition Facts” website, researchers found in one study that dates may threaten Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients with diarrhea, because its dietary fiber causes increased bowel movement.

Also read: 4 types of fruits that may cause diarrhea

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