Can I be rude to ChatGPT? – Computers & Media

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We humans are only human. It’s easy to use the wrong tone. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, always has itself under control. We should take it as an example.

A question of good style: you should not be rude when discussing. | Photo: Oleksandr Pokusai (Stock.Adobe)

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A question of good style: When debating with an artificial intelligence like ChatGPT, one should not be rude. Photo: Oleksandr Pokusai (Stock.Adobe)


This photo shows the town of Arzachena ... and gave the wrong name. | Photo: Markus Hofmann

This photo shows the town of Arzachena in the north of Sardinia. ChatGPT was unable to correctly identify the town even after four attempts and gave the wrong name each time. Photo: Markus Hofmann


Recently on holiday in Italy. During a hike through the macchia, I challenge ChatGPT. Down in the valley, a village nestles into the rocks. I take a photo and ask the artificial intelligence (AI) what the village is called. After four wrong answers, I cynically say goodbye to ChatGPT: “Travel guides are better.” My daughter scolds me: “You’ve offended her.”

Offended… A software… That sounds bizarre. But it isn’t. With ChatGPT you can have conversations like with a human. The chat robot knows the answer to (almost) every question. Sometimes the answers are nonsense, but ChatGPT always remains friendly. And vice versa? Are you allowed to mock chat robots if the answers are questionable? Is it okay for people to insult an artificial intelligence?

No. For Freiburg etiquette trainer Betül Hanisch, good manners are just as important in the virtual world as in the real world. “The same rules apply to communication between a person and a machine as to communication between people.” In a certain sense, the etiquette expert even sees AI as a role model. It is patient and confident and does not take anything personally.

ChatGPT’s unconditional politeness is indeed remarkable. The term politeness originated in the medieval royal courts. A code of good, courtly behavior was developed there, with which the upper class of the time wanted to distinguish themselves from the rest of the people, who did not yet have good behavior. Manners were an important distinguishing feature. So do AI machines like ChatGPT, with their polite habitus, consciously want to distinguish themselves from us humans, like the court societies of the time? An eerie thought.

Department: Computers & Media


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Can I be rude to ChatGPT? (published on Mon, September 23, 2024, 06:07 on

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