Can Fasting Fight Cancer?Stage III colon cancer cured in four months | Colorectal cancer | The Epoch Times

diagnosed as stage IIIcolorectal cancerOne day following exactly four months, the doctor said to him with a smile on his face, “Mr. Everard, your cancer is cured.” In just four months, many stories happened.

Diagnosed with Stage III at the peak of his bodycolon cancer

On September 10, 2020, 48-year-old Fred Evrard (Fred Evrard) faced a major blow in his life-he was diagnosed withcolon cancerIn the third stage, the tumor in his body reached 10 centimeters in length.

For a strong martial arts coach, the news came like a bolt from the blue.

Everard began practicing martial arts as a child, and for decades he has been teaching martial arts classes alongside a steady stream of fitness programs such as boxing, parkour, tai chi, qigong and meditation, among others. When he was diagnosed, he weighed 70 kg and had a body fat rate of 9%. It can be said that “the body is in the best condition.”

His life and diet are also extremely healthy in the eyes of ordinary people. Everard has been a vegetarian for many years and eats natural and organic food, never touching junk food.Moreover, various dietary adjustment plans are interspersed throughout the year, such as ketogenic diet, intermittentfasting, the paleo diet, and more. He doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink alcohol, and has a very regular daily life. He goes to bed at ninety o’clock in the evening and wakes up at five or six o’clock in the morning.

It is undeniable that Everard has a colon cancer gene, and both his father and grandfather died of colon cancer. He once thought that his lifestyle was so healthy that he might resist the influence of unfavorable genetics.

And these good living and eating habits have indeed supported Everard’s body. In his book “How my Immune System beat cancer,” he wrote, “The doctors told me that without my clean, organic diet of the past 20 years and my strong athlete body, I might Already dead”, “My lifestyle stopped the cancer from spreading”.

When the cancer broke out despite an extremely healthy lifestyle and diet, Everard believes that “stress is likely to be the trigger.” In order to teach martial arts and attend events all over the world, Everard has been traveling all year round; the process of obtaining a green card in the United States is long, difficult and costly; finally, under the new crown virus epidemic, all his martial arts schools around the world were forced to close, and other Such business cooperation was also suspended, and the income was cut off at once.

But when everything was pressing once morest him, his body eventually mightn’t take it anymore.

colorectal cancerThe bad news that the tumor had developed to the third stage knocked him down. He said that his whole body was in a “frozen” state, and he lay dead in bed for three days without eating or drinking. At the same time, the tumor oppressing the nerve and the tremendous psychological pressure brought regarding by the diagnosis made her pain “multiplied a hundredfold.” He said that if you describe a person’s pain with a number from 0 to 10, then the pain he experienced reached 9.9, and it was continuous pain every moment.

to restore faithfastingketogenic dietanticancer

But three days later, the resolute Everard chose to cheer up, and he gave himself three beliefs:

Number one, I can survive.

Second, what doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger.

Third, take food as medicine. (Hipporates)

He hungrily searched and read everything he might find regarding cancer, natural remedies for cancer, fasting, cancer and diet. Everard found that there are a large number of cases of fasting reversal and treatment of cancer.

Ultimately, he decided to treat his cancer with fasting. Because through reading these materials, Everard gradually paid attention to and agreed with the theory that cancer is a metabolic disease. The theory holds that cancer occurs in humans because the mitochondria in the cells are damaged and turn into an anaerobic metabolic mode, eventually cancerous. Carcinogenesis is the result of damaged mitochondria, not the cause of cancer. Moreover, the respiration of cancer cells does not need to rely on the decomposition of oxygen. It relies on the anaerobic decomposition of glucose and glutamine (an amino acid) to survive and grow without limitation. Correspondingly, fasting can cut off the food of cancer cells. Without glucose and glutamine, they will starve to death.(Editor’s Choice:Is cancer actually a metabolic disease?Experts: Do this to stay away from cancer

In addition, Everard learned that in the state of fasting, the human body starts the process of cleaning and autophagy, which can maximize the discharge of toxic and harmful substances from the body.

In an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times, Everard said that when he learned that cancer is a metabolic disease, he also understood that it is a disease mainly caused by lifestyle and toxins. So what he has to do is “reduce the toxins in the body and try to get more toxins out of the body.”

However, the more he researched, the more he discovered that “there is a gap between scientific research and biological research and the field of medicine.”

When he talked to his oncologist regarding the possibility of fasting and a ketogenic diet for cancer, his doctor didn’t believe it or discuss it with him. Instead, he was told with urgency that he needed immediate treatment by conventional means: 24 courses of chemotherapy, followed by months of radiation, and surgery as the final step in which the end of his colon, along with his anus, would be removed for the rest of his life. If you can’t control your stool, you need to hang a bag outside your body. And Everard did not want to accept this treatment.

Choose to use fasting method to resistanticancerWith the disease, Everard was under tremendous pressure. Because the vast majority of cancer patients accept the traditional cancer treatment methods provided by the hospital to fight cancer. His emotions often fluctuated during this process, but in the end he implemented his choice.

So Everard began a 21-day fast. During this time, he drank only water, in addition to a small amount of wheatgrass juice once a week. His strong desire for life supported him to persevere.

The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) following 21 days of fasting showed a miracle—the tumor on his colon shrank from 10 centimeters in length to 6 centimeters in length, and its diameter was also greatly reduced. So Everard concluded that he was “on the right track.”

After a 21-day fast, he started a ketogenic diet, or rather, a meat-only diet for a while. This is because, due to the severe inflammation in his gut, he cannot eat anything with fiber. In addition, any food with processed ingredients also makes his body very painful, even following eating chicken and pork. Finally he found that the only food he might eat without feeling uncomfortable was 100% grass-fed beef.especially the ribeye

Ribs, with their protein and fat, strike a perfect balance for him.

He used the intermittent fasting method at that time, eating only one meal a day. And just like that, he ate rib-eye steaks for months on end. In addition, realizing the benefits of getting some nutrients from natural vegetables, he later added cold-pressed vegetable juices that had been stripped of fiber to his diet.

Fasting combined with chemotherapy is miraculous

The pain caused by the cancerous tumor was overwhelming for Everard, and all kinds of pain relief methods were ineffective. He curled up on the ground crying in pain, and hit his head once morest the wall in pain. On the advice of his doctor, Everard agreed to six courses of chemotherapy.Fasting combined with chemotherapy is miraculous

Knowing some research and information regarding fasting can make chemotherapy go smoothly, Everard used the method before and following each chemotherapy, and during the three days of chemotherapy, that is, a total of five days. Fasting was prescribed to accompany chemotherapy. The results were excellent, and he experienced few of the side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea and extreme tiredness.

In the second course of chemotherapy, Everard did not strictly implement fasting. He tried to eat something the day before chemotherapy, but he fell ill immediately during chemotherapy. He was very ill, vomiting constantly, and even developed intestinal obstruction. He wrote in the book, “I’m as sick as a dog!”.

And in the third course of chemotherapy, Everard fasted once more. But this time he successfully completed the chemotherapy without any side effects: no hair loss, no nausea and vomiting, no headache and dizziness, and the immune indicators in his blood were also normal, which surprised the nurses.

Everard voluntarily asked to stop chemotherapy following finishing his third chemotherapy. Because the pain was under control, and he experienced the toxicity of chemotherapy on the body.

After that, he continued to implement his own ketogenic diet, and slowly added physical training in December of that year, such as Tai Chi, boxing and HIIT.

During the week of Christmas and New Year’s holidays in 2020, due to his mother’s visit and his body no longer feeling uncomfortable, Everard resumed a normal diet for a week, eating all kinds of desserts and delicacies.

But from January 2, because he was worried regarding the MRI examination that would come soon, he started the second stage of fasting once more. But this time he failed to fast for 21 consecutive days like the first time. Instead, I completed the second round of fasting with a 5-day fast and a two-day ketogenic diet on weekends. And his ketogenic diet on weekends is just one meal.

On January 10, 2021, he underwent another MRI and blood test, and the scene at the beginning of the article appeared-the doctor announced that he was free from cancer and the cancer cells in his body disappeared.

Why fasting can fight cancer?

As early as the early 1900s, scientists had noticed the positive effects of diet control on the health of organisms.At the timeResearchDietary control has been shown to slow or even stop tumor growth and delay cancer recurrence in laboratory mice. Scientists have conducted hundreds of studies on different types of organisms—including yeast, nematodes, fruit flies, mice, rhesus monkeys, and more. After that, small-scale human experiments began.PreliminaryResearchresultIt is believed that for some cancer patients, long-term fasting is safe, and it may reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy to the human body and inhibit the growth of cancer tumors.

1. Fasting or calorie restrictedanticancerActs in many ways

Fasting and a ketogenic diet can put a person into a state of metabolic ketones. Cancer cells can only survive by metabolizing glucose and glutamine, and cancer cells cannot metabolize ketone bodies, so such measures are equivalent to cutting off the rations of cancer cells.

Fasting or caloric restriction reduces the production of growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, and anabolic hormones. There are corresponding changes in the body’s metabolism and hormone levels, such as decreased insulin secretion, increased insulin sensitivity, and decreased testosterone and estrogen secretion.

In addition, fasting or caloric restriction can also reduce oxidative stress and free radical-induced DNA damage.

Moreover, cell experiments have confirmed that fasting or calorie restriction can enhance autophagy (the process by which the body recycles some “garbage” and removes damaged cellular components) and antioxidant effects, and can also activate various DNA repair processes. In addition, it can inhibit cell proliferation and resist cell aging.

These mechanisms may help the body fight cancer, and have been confirmed by many experiments.

University of Wisconsin’sanimal testingshowed that monkeys with a 30% reduction in caloric intake had a 50% reduction in the incidence of spontaneous cancers, most commonly adenocarcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract, compared with monkeys on an unrestricted diet.

Sweden has undertaken a long-termprospective studythey compared 1,420 patients who underwent bariatric surgery with a control group, and they were followed for a median of 18.1 years—and found that those who underwent bariatric surgery had a 29 percent reduction in cancer incidence and a 23 percent reduction in cancer mortality. %.

A study conducted by Johns Hopkins University reached a median follow-up of 11 yearsResearchIt pointed out that intervention through intensive lifestyle can make people suffer from obesity-related cancers (including esophageal cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, gallbladder cancer, thyroid cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer , postmenopausal breast cancer and multiple myeloma) risk was reduced by 16%, and the researchers believe that this is because of the weight loss of the subjects caused by the lifestyle intervention.

In addition, a joint study by scientists from the United States and FranceResearchA fasting diet combined with vitamin C has been found to be more effective in treating certain types of cancer.

2. Fasting can reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy and improve the therapeutic effect

Clinical research on fasting in cancer patients is still in its infancy, but a growing number ofevidenceshowed that short-term fasting can prevent the toxicity of chemotherapy, while enhancing the efficacy of chemotherapy drugs and improving the quality of life of cancer patients. This is because fasting enhances the resilience of healthy cells, while tumor cells become more sensitive to chemotherapy drugs due to lack of nutrients.

animalexperimentIt has been shown that the inhibitory effect of fasting on tumors is comparable to that of chemotherapy; while fasting combined with chemotherapy can achieve the best anti-cancer effect, the most significant reduction in tumor volume, and the level of specific lymphocytes that can kill tumors produced in this way Highest. In addition, the experiment confirmed that fasting also stimulated the production of stem cells known as common lymphoid progenitor cells.

Animal experiments have shown that fasting combined with chemotherapy has the best anti-cancer effect. (Health 1+1/The Epoch Times)

Small clinical trials show that short-term fasting canreduceBreast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy have hematological toxicity, and their red blood cell and platelet counts are relatively significantly increased following chemotherapy, while the increase in markers reflecting DNA damage is relatively small, indicating that fasting may reduce DNA damage caused by chemotherapy and promote damage recovery.

20 patients with multiple tumor types, mainly breast, ovarian and uterineResearchmiddle. Compared with patients who fasted for 24 hours before chemotherapy, patients who fasted for longer periods of time (48 hours and 72 hours) before chemotherapy had less neutropenia and neuropathy, in addition to fewer increases in DNA damage markers rate drops.

Another event involving more than 30 gynecological cancer patientsexperimentIn the study, fasting chemotherapy patients had fewer headaches, weakness, and stomatitis. Chemotherapy toxicity scores were significantly reduced, and chemotherapy delays were significantly reduced.In addition, patients who fasted had better quality of life and fatigue following chemotherapy compared with those on a normocaloric diet.improve

Combining multiple approaches to fight cancer

In addition to starving cancer cells by fasting and ketogenic diet, as a martial arts practitioner who knows the essence of fighting, Everard uses multiple methods to fight cancer at the same time. Behind these anti-cancer methods are his strong willpower and positive beliefs that supported him along the way.

With the gradual recovery of physical fitness, Everard used step-by-step exercises to improve his immunity to fight cancer. For the first two months following his diagnosis, he was too weak to do any exercise. After two months, he began to practice Tai Chi for 10 minutes a day, and gradually regained his physical strength. He also pointed out in his book that Tai Chi, a form of fitness, is very suitable for cancer patients because of the simplicity and slowness of the movements. Since then, he has returned to high-intensity training, such as boxing and HIIT. Moreover, in order to start the body’s cleansing and autophagy mode to a greater extent, he insisted on training on an empty stomach.

Everard also attaches great importance to the help of meditation and pranayama to the body and mind. He also saw a lot of literature pointing to the positive effects of meditation in fighting cancer. He stresses that meditation, with no risks or side effects, has helped him boost energy and reduce stress and fear — factors that often hasten death in cancer patients. The benefits of sitting meditation are many, including reducing chronic pain, improving sleep quality, and relieving fatigue and improving cognitive function.

To help the lymphatic system flush out toxins from the body, Everard also insisted on jumping on a mini-trampoline. Unlike the heart, which pumps blood around the body, the lymphatic system relies entirely on the movement of muscles and joints to complete circulation. Jumping on the trampoline can help the lymph flow back to the lymph nodes, and then successfully complete the filtration and detoxification, and promote the body’s immunity. Trampoline exercise brings plenty of oxygen to the body, changing the hypoxic environment preferred by cancer cells. At the same time, trampoline exercise can also increase the number and activity of white blood cells in the blood, so as to better destroy cancer cells.

Everard also used hypothermia to mobilize the body’s immune function to fight cancer. He exposed his body to low temperatures for a short period of time by taking cold water baths, ice waterfall baths, meditating in the snow, and walking his dog wearing very little clothes in cold weather. He has also read the literature that hypothermia can help cancer patients reduce inflammation in the body.

Fred Everard meditates in the snow. (Courtesy of Fred Everard)

In addition to these physical actions and actions, Everard is also seriously healing his mind. In addition to seeing a psychiatrist on a regular basis, he also constantly strengthens his righteous faith. In his daily meditation, he prays with the words “I am grateful for my complete and final recovery. I am healed and healthy.” He wrote in the book, “Faith is an important part of my journey”, and he also strives to practice the law of attraction in spiritual practice. The Law of Attraction believes that positive or negative thoughts can lead to positive or negative experiences in a person’s life.

Of course, what supports Everard is the love from relatives and friends. He said that his wife and mother, close friends, and even his pet dog have brought him endless warmth and comfort, and they are the most important support in his healing process.

A typical day in Everard’s cancer battle

Everard’s book “How My Immune System Beats Cancer” goes into more detail regarding his typical day and various recipes while fighting cancer, and here are some basics.

Wake up at 6: Stay on intermittent fasting until 2pm

About 20 minutes of cold exposure training

7:00: Meditation/deep breathing/Tai Chi

9:00: HITT training three or four times a week / three minutes mini trampoline training every day

10 a.m.: Cold Exposure Training – Icefall bath 3 times a week, cold shower the rest of the time

see a psychiatrist once a week

Get a full body massage every two weeks

12 o’clock: Physical training (45 minutes each time, 4 times a week)

14:00: Drink vegetable juice, supplements (VD3, VC, curcumin, zinc, fish oil)

15:00: Wheat grass juice with matcha

16:00: Ketogenic meal (typically fried ribeye steak with olive oil and garlic), supplements (VD3, VC, curcumin, digestive enzymes, etc.)

16:30: Matcha, melatonin

Then start intermittent fasting until two o’clock in the followingnoon the next day.

21:30: Sleep

Dr. Charles Gibert, who was intimately involved in Everard’s treatment as his family physician, wrote the foreword to “How My Immune System Beat Cancer” as a witness to the entire story.

“We live in the era of ‘one question, one pill,’ and Fred’s expedition is incredible proof that things can be different. We need to really understand what cancer is telling us. “Those who dreamed that they might get rid of tumors through natural remedies, they were right! My friend Fred Everard was one of them, and he did.”

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Responsible editor: Li Qingfeng



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