“Can a Small Fish Hold the Secret to Extending Human Life? Discover the Latest Research at IRCAN!”

2023-05-31 10:04:54

Extending our life expectancy is the subject of much research and a recent publication concerns a small fish!

The species studied is the zebrafish, Danio rerio, adopted by many aquarists and also become a “guinea pig” or a “white mouse” for various researchers, in particular at the Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging in Nice (IRCAN). This fish shares about 70% of its genes with humans and its aging pattern is quite similar.

IRCAN researchers slowed the aging of its gut by modifying the fish’s DNA and injecting it with telomerase – a hormone that slows the loss at the ends of chromosomes, a mechanism involved in cell aging . The slowing down of intestinal aging has also had favorable effects on its microbiota, a factor of good health for them as for humans.

And above all, surprising effect on the aging of other organs! The male zebrafish thus remained fertile longer. And the healthy life of fish has been extended by 40% without the appearance of cancer!

An encouraging discovery… except for pension funds?

Read also : Movement of fish: migratory routes confirmed

#Extend #life #expectancy #fish

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