Camilo scared his parents (with the birth of Indigo?) in Miami

Written in CELEBRITIES the

Camilo has been recognized in the musical environment as one of the most important singers but also as a loving and fun human being who has won the hearts of the public.

Recently, the Colombian singer reported on his Instagram Stories a funny episode with his parentsin which he narrated how it was that he scared them away while they They arrived at the Miami airport.

In the videos shared on your Instagram account, Camilo pointed: “My parents arrived in Miami and when I went to look for them at the airport, I scared them“. Just as he justified his attitude: “Because If you have your parents and you don’t scare them, why do you have them?“.

How did Camilo scare his parents?

In a later story, Camilo showed the moment in which he scared his parents, and it is that, when he went to look for them at the Miami airport, while they were taking their suitcases out of a van, he suddenly honked at them, which caused them to startle.

Although the reason for the visit is unknown. Camilo’s parentsit is likely that they could be in Miami waiting for the indigo birthwho is expected to be born soon.

That was the moment when Camilo scared his parents:

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