Camille Cerf criticized on social networks for endangering the health of her baby

2023-05-07 10:16:37

When Camille posted a photo of herself in Marrakech, some subscribers expressed their concern about the risks this could pose to the health of her baby. The photo showed Camille lying on a deckchair, enjoying the sun. Some netizens have mentioned the risks of toxoplasmosisa potentially dangerous disease for pregnant women, which can be transmitted by cats and contaminated food. Camille has also been criticized for its exposure to the sunwith comments warning her against the dangers of the sun for the health of her baby. Although these comments were made by strangers, there were enough of them to prompt Camille to react. She defended her decision to enjoy her sunny vacation, saying that she was taking all the necessary precautions to protect her baby.

Despite these criticisms, Camille also received many messages of support and congratulations on her pregnancy. Her former Miss France colleagues, such as Alexandra Rosenfeld, Flora Coquerel and Iris Mittenaere, posted messages of support for her, affirming their love and support for the mother-to-be. Overall, the negative comments haven’t stopped Camille from enjoying her pregnancy and sharing happy times with her followers. Although it is natural for people to worry about the health of pregnant women and their babies, it is equally important to respect their choices and their freedom to live their lives as they see fit. Ultimately, it is up to each woman to decide how she wants to experience her pregnancy (source 1).

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