Cameron Mathison, the beloved actor known for his role on General Hospital, recently shared a heartbreaking update about the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles. On January 9, he appeared on Good Morning America, where he once worked as a correspondent, too reveal the extent of his loss. “I’ve lost my home and everything that I own. I have this hoodie and a pair of pants and two pairs of sneakers left,” he said. “That’s it.”
Mathison has been grappling with the emotional toll of losing irreplaceable items. “Unless you’ve gone through it, [you can’t understand that] it’s hard to get your head out of that,” he admitted. He described feeling “kind of stuck and reeling,” especially over the loss of sentimental items like his children’s school projects, baby photos, and childhood pictures. “there’s a lot of things that are replaceable, but the kids’ projects, their baby photos were only film, my childhood [pictures]…” he shared.
While acknowledging that “that’s just stuff,” Mathison also emphasized the emotional weight of the loss. “At the same time, it is still very unsettling and so surreal,” he added.
Three days later, on January 12, Mathison took to Instagram to express his gratitude for the outpouring of support. “Words can’t describe how grateful we are for all the love and support for our family and for the thousands of people going through the same thing,” he wrote.“It really does make all the difference.”
In a touching message to those whose homes were spared, Mathison urged them to let go of any feelings of guilt. “Please know that from all of us who lost everything, we are so happy for you. I think it may be a common response that there’s some sort of survivor’s guilt or something, but please please let that go. All of us who lost everything are so so happy for you.”
What is the difference between the natural number set (N) and the rational number set (Q)?
- N:表示自然数集,即全体非负整数的集合,通常包括0、1、2、3、……。
- N*(或N+):表示正整数集,即自然数集中排除0的集合,包括1、2、3、……。
- Z:表示整数集,包括所有正整数、负整数和零,即……、-2、-1、0、1、2、……。
- Q:表示有理数集,包括所有可以表示为两个整数之比的数(分母不为零),例如1/2、-3/4等。
- R:表示实数集,包括所有有理数和无理数(如√2、π等)。
- C:表示复数集,包括所有形如a + bi的数,其中a和b是实数,i是虚数单位(满足i² = -1)。