Margaret Howell76, a British designer, meaning the British designer (some claim that she is the one who signed all of our uniforms, and when I say “some claim” I mean the headline in British Vogue), who founded her brand in 1972 and in recent years divides her time between Her home is in South East London and that in Suffolk, close to the sea (you already know that the phrase “divides her time” speaks to me a lot).
Things Margaret said in interviews (in free translation):
“I never feel comfortable if I have to go to a formal event. When people go to weddings they always seem uncomfortable and they look much better in normal clothes.’
(Interview with British Vogue)
“It’s funny to suddenly see your name on a shopping bag. Sometimes I see my name on someone’s canvas bag on the train and I’m always surprised, although of course I’m happy that people use our bag. I always hope they don’t recognize me, because one hundred percent of the time I look neglected compared to them.”
(Interview with the Guardian)
“It took me a long time to learn to listen to gut feelings, it’s actually the advice you give yourself.”
(Interview with the Guardian)
“Foal Baubrul, messenger on bicycle.” This is the kind of clothing I like. The authenticity of work clothes.”
(Interview with Esquire)
Her favorite item of clothing is a pair of Levi’s that belonged to her father in the sixties.
Ten almost meditative minutes with Margaret Howell: