Calls for action.. Experts warn of a “water war crime” against Egypt

Cairo stressed that it is ready to take all steps to defend its existence, the capabilities of its people and their interests.

In exclusive statements to RT, Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Mahran, Professor of International Law and Secretary-General of the International Committee for the Defense of Water Resources, warned of the serious repercussions of the Renaissance Dam crisis on water and regional security, stressing that the recent letter of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Security Council represents a turning point in the course of the crisis.

Mahran believed that Egypt’s sending of this letter reflects a deep awareness of the seriousness of the current situation, noting that after years of fruitless negotiations, it has become clear that there is an urgent need for effective international intervention. He explained that this step opens the door to new scenarios that may include the possibility of the Security Council taking binding decisions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, and may strengthen Egypt’s legal position in the event of resorting to other international mechanisms in the future.

Regarding possible measures at this stage, Dr. Mahran pointed out the importance of activating the role of the Security Council by calling for an emergency session and issuing binding resolutions, and intensifying diplomatic efforts to gain broader international support, especially in the United Nations General Assembly, in addition to studying the possibility of requesting an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the legitimacy of Ethiopia’s unilateral actions.

He added that Egypt can also activate its right to legitimate defense of its water security in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, especially after Egypt used all diplomatic means to resolve the dispute, and after continuing to negotiate in good faith for more than 13 years.

Dr. Mahran stressed the need to develop international waterway agreements to deal with water security challenges, indicating that the Renaissance Dam crisis revealed serious shortcomings in current international water law, and stressing that the world needs to develop international agreements that regulate the use of shared water resources, to make the mechanisms stipulated for resolving disputes effective and binding.

He also pointed out that these new amendments must include a clear definition of water war crimes, mechanisms to hold accountable countries that violate the water rights of others, and must take into account climate change and its impact on water resources.

The professor of international law warned again that the continuation of the current situation could lead to a dangerous escalation, saying: We are talking here about an existential threat to millions of people, as the deprivation of water could amount to crimes against humanity, and could ignite regional conflicts with unpredictable consequences.

In this regard, Dr. Mahran stressed that the solution must be comprehensive and sustainable, with the importance of having a joint development vision for the Nile Basin that guarantees the rights of all countries and achieves sustainable development for all, stressing that this requires real political will and effective international cooperation.

The international expert stressed the need to exploit this crisis to reformulate the rules of international cooperation in the field of water resources, and to ensure a more secure and stable future for the peoples of the region and the world, stressing that the stability of the Middle East and North Africa region is closely linked to a just and sustainable solution to the Renaissance Dam crisis, noting that delaying the resolution of this issue may have disastrous repercussions that extend beyond the borders of the region.

For his part, Professor of Political Science, Hassan Salama, said in statements to RT that the step taken by Egypt came after exhausting all diplomatic attempts made with Ethiopia, and we witnessed for more than 10 years a state of procrastination and imposing a fait accompli so that the construction of the dam would be completed, which is what actually happened and was followed by a number of fillings that reached the fifth filling.

He continued in his speech: Egypt is still committed to diplomatic action, and therefore holds international institutions accountable through the speech in which it affirmed its firm and decisive position rejecting Ethiopian unilateral policies that violate the rules and principles of international law and question the breach of the agreement signed between the three countries, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, and the presidential statement of the Security Council issued in 2021.

He added: All provocative statements by Ethiopian officials are rejected and unacceptable, and reflect a continuous Ethiopian approach to stir up tension and attempt to threaten stability in the region at a time when Egypt is trying to achieve development for all.

He concluded: Egypt is prepared for all scenarios to maintain its water security, and has the ability to do everything that guarantees life and existence for the Egyptian citizen because the Nile waters are an existential issue for the Egyptian citizen, and until now Egypt is offering all calls for development and cooperation with Ethiopia, but the rejection always comes from the other side.

Source: RT

#Calls #action. #Experts #warn #water #war #crime #Egypt
2024-09-03 07:54:09



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