Calls for a special meeting on “school entry”.


The Socialist Group, the federal opposition, in the House of Representatives, called on the Chairman of the Education, Culture and Communication Committee to hold a special meeting on “school entry” in the presence of Chakib Benmoussa, Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports.

Abdul Rahim Shahid, the team leader, stressed the great importance of the start of the new school year and its direct impact on the entire educational process, as it is a turning point in the course of the educational process and directly affects the achievement and motivation of male and female students and forms the basis for building an educated generation that keeps pace with developments.

Shahid explained in his message that the accumulated challenges that our country faced in the past academic year require an accurate assessment to determine their causes and propose appropriate solutions that go beyond merely treating the symptoms to treating the roots, which requires early preparation to ensure the provision of a suitable educational environment for all that meets the needs of students and teachers, avoiding improvisation in decision-making and the continuous development of the educational process, in line with global educational developments and contemporary challenges, and achieving the Kingdom’s vision of building a knowledge society, noting that investment in the human element remains the most important pillar in the educational process, by providing the necessary support to teachers and developing their capabilities, the message says.

In this regard, Shahid called for standing in the meeting on what has been provided in terms of infrastructure for schools and the provision of the necessary resources to ensure the quality of education, especially schools in remote areas, and reviewing what the ministry has done to update textbooks and educational curricula to keep pace with educational and scientific changes and develop curricula that enhance critical thinking, creativity and innovation, and its program to develop the educational capabilities and skills of teachers and continuous training programs, and encourage educational scientific research, and stand on the percentage of implementation of the four commitments of the ministry that concern the educational institution and are related to improving the conditions for receiving students, leading the educational institution, providing a school environment that stimulates learning and openness, and enhancing parallel and sports activities.. Will the head of the Education, Culture and Communication Committee respond to the Socialist team’s request and invite Benmoussa to attend and discuss the school year in these critical circumstances.

#Calls #special #meeting #school #entry
2024-08-28 10:19:52



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