Call of Duty Modern Warfare III Bug: Cheating or Exploiting? Treyarch and Sledgehammer Investigating

2023-11-24 13:33:20

Wherever there’s a multiplayer shooter, there’s cheating. Or at least, there are players who are smart enough to spot bugs and exploit them to their maximum potential to win every game (so-called exploits, which are the same as cheating). Call of Duty is no stranger to these practices and has improved its systems over the years to detect and remove such users from the game. However, there are also those who, far from using third-party software or breaking game code, simply exploit what already exists, and that’s the case here. It turns out that some players have reported instances of opponents being able to prone run, as you can see in the clip from user 74Claw on Twitter: While humorous, this bug clearly benefits the players who use it, giving them The impact space is very small. Treyarch and Sledgehammer have reported that they are investigating the issue in order to resolve it as soon as possible. Have you encountered these snake-eating players in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III?
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