Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will also feature Blizzard’s latest text messaging protection system

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

Blizzard’s latestSMS protectionThe (SMS Protect) system was originally not limited to the use of Overwatch 2.a few days ago PC Gamer in the official new versionSupport pagefound onCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II) and the newly created account of “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” also need to be bound with a mobile phone number in order to be used normally. It makes sense to consider this decision in terms of promoting positive behavior, but the problem is that SMS Protection is currently not getting very good reviews from SO 2 players.

Due to the first day of the launch of “Doujin Special Attack 2”Massive DDoS attack, Blizzard has previously relaxed the text message protection rules, requiring only players who create new accounts to link their mobile phone numbers to their accounts. But even so, the requirement not to use prepaid card numbers and VOIP is still very controversial. It is unclear whether Blizzard will make permanent changes to the text message protection scheme in this regard, and it is also uncertain whether the “Modern Warzone 2.0” (Warzone 2.0), which will debut on November 16, will integrate this system.



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