Call for Submissions | Committee for the Evaluation of Effective or Promising Interventions in Prevention and Health Promotion

2024-07-11 22:00:00

Application conditions

Application documents must include:

Cover letter, email address and mobile phone number indicating professional and personal contact information; list of work/publications over the past 5 years; public statement to be completed on the Ministerial Portal; DPI SANTE accessible via the link https:/ /dpi

Application documents must be sent by September 30, 2024 to the following address:

Selection method

Only complete files will be considered.

The selection of application documents by the Evaluation Committee of Effective or Promising PPS Interventions will be based on the elements provided in the cover letter, whether the candidate possesses the required skills, analysis of interest in the link and the necessary multidisciplinarity of the selection group.

Please note: Taking into account the ethical principles applicable to public health in France, receiving personal remuneration from manufacturers within the scope of the Committee’s mandate and participating in scientific consulting or strategic advisory activities for these manufacturers represents a conflict of interest incompatible with appointment to the Committee .

Declarations of interest will be reviewed by the French Public Health Internal Ethics Committee.

The Secretariat of the Committee will notify candidates of the review results of their applications via email.

New members will be appointed at the discretion of the French Director-General of Public Health; DPIs evaluating committee members for promising or proven interventions for PPS are posted on the DPI SANTE portal.

The composition of the committee is posted on the agency’s website.

Members of the Board of Directors, the Scientific Committee, the Committee on Ethics and Professional Conduct, the French Committee for Orientation and Dialogue of Public Health or any other expert committee of French Public Health cannot represent the application form.

Mission of the French Office of Public Health – National Public Health Agency

The National Public Health Agency, established under Decree No. 2016-462 of April 14, 2016, is a public institution of a national administrative nature and is subject to the supervision of the Ministry of Health.

Learn about the mission of the French Public Health Agency

Tasks of the Committee to Evaluate Effective or Promising Interventions in Prevention and Health Promotion

In order to respect the good practices of the French Council of Public Health, the Directorate for Prevention and Health Promotion (DPPS) is strengthening the composition of committees to evaluate effective or promising ACP interventions. The committee was established on 21 June 2022 to support a register of effective or promising interventions hosted and managed by the French Public Health Agency.

For this evaluation committee these are:

Study the acceptability of PPS field interventions (pre-selection) submitted to the Commission prior to external evaluation for inclusion in the register; peer review and/or participate in panel decisions; adjudicating the level of evidence for selected PPS interventions based on 5 levels.

Evaluation of ACP interventions is ensured by the committee and by a panel of qualified reviewers external to the French Public Health Agency, with the aim of documenting (or even refuting) a certain degree of demonstration of effectiveness. One member of the evaluation committee was designated as rapporteur, summarizing the analysis forms completed by the external reviewers and providing his scientific judgment for each evaluated intervention to the entire committee. The evaluation committee determines the level of validity certification in a collegial manner.


The evaluation committee consists of 11 members (2 vacancies), appointed by the Director-General of the French Public Health Service, all from outside the French Public Health Service, and recruited through an open call.

Committee members act in their own name (personal) and cannot be replaced. Their expression is completely independent of the structure to which they are affiliated.

Comprehensive skills make it possible to classify and label PPS interventions as effective or promising: Beneficial effects of PPS interventions on health conditions (or health determinants) are scientifically based, related to temporary behavioral changes following the intervention; Reduce health-related risks Social inequality.

The evaluation committee considered the diversity of disciplinary methods used to evaluate ACP interventions and different areas of public health practice.

Skills sought

general skills

Scientific expertise in public health and/or human and social/economic sciences; experience evaluating MAP interventions; prevention science/research skills; writing skills; ability to work collaboratively; experience participating in work groups.

The committee is seeking two pieces of information to complete the committee:

Practitioner health economist with experience in evaluating infectious disease prevention systems.

specific skills

Methodological expertise in epidemiology/biostatistics/health economics in the ACP area (e.g. knowledge of the scientific literature on prevention, evaluation of the impact of preventive interventions (randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental trials, time series, etc.), costs Benefit analysis, mixed methods; latest published knowledge in related fields.

Operation of committees to evaluate promising or proven interventions in prevention and health promotion

Committee members serve for the current term (4 years). The term of the committee will expire on June 20, 2026.
The committee to evaluate effective or promising PPS interventions meets up to 5 times per year, either face-to-face at the French Public Health website in Saint-Maurice or via video conference.

Members sign a “Confidentiality and Meeting Attendance Commitment” and commit to regularly attend meetings and participate in the work of the Evaluation Committee, which supports the register of effective or promising ACP interventions.

Members have access to information held by the French public health authorities to carry out the work requested.

The French Director-General of Public Health provided them with the means necessary for the Commission to function.
The scientific and administrative secretariat of the Commission is provided by the Directorate for Prevention and Health Promotion (DPPS).

The committee’s decisions are based on external evaluations by qualified persons, taking into account multi-disciplinarity and collaboration. If necessary, it can interview any person with knowledge and experience necessary for its mission, subject to submission of a declaration of interest.

Allowances and travel expenses

Travel and living expenses are reimbursed in accordance with the conditions stipulated by the state civil servants.
Compensation for lost income resulting from self-employed activities and compensation for time spent attending meetings and performing work will be based on the criteria established by the French Directorate of Public Health.

Data processing

Your personal data is processed by the French Public Health Service. Their processing is based on the execution of pre-contractual measures in connection with the application of relevant persons of the Commission.

For unsuccessful candidates: CV and application documents will be deleted within three months after the selection procedure; for committee-selected candidates: CV and application documents will be retained for up to one year after the end of the assignment as part of your participation. One payment.

This data will be processed by the competent authorities of the French Public Health Agency and its subcontractors will have access to this information to the extent necessary to carry out their tasks.

You can contact the Data Protection Representative Santé publique France, 12 rue du Val d’ Osne, 94415 Saint Maurice Cedex or (committee for the evaluation of promising or convincing interventions in prevention and health promotion).

You may also exercise your rights of access, rectification and restriction of other data by contacting the Data Protection Representative Santé publique France, 12 rue du Val d’Osne, 94415 Saint Maurice Cedex or (Prospective Evaluation Committee) . or compelling prevention and health promotion interventions).

If you feel that your data rights have not been respected, you can lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties.

For more information about these treatments:

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