Call for projects for national missions for the surveillance and prevention of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance (term of office 01/10/23 – 30/09/28)

By decree n° 2017-129 of February 3, 2017 relating to the prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections (IAS), Public Health France was entrusted with the management of missions delegated in this area to support centers for the prevention healthcare-associated infections (CPias). By Decree No. 2022-1445 of November 18, 2022 relating to regional centers in antibiotic therapy, Santé Publique France may call on regional centers in antibiotic therapy (CRAtb), in association with CPias, to carry out national monitoring and expertise missions in in the fight and prevention of healthcare-associated infections and resistance to anti-infectives (RATB) as well as to regional antibiotic therapy centers to carry out national expert missions concerning the prevention and monitoring of resistance to anti-infectives , in particular antibiotic resistance.

This call for projects aims on the one hand to renew the current national missions concerning the prevention of healthcare-associated infections and on the other hand to add to them a section relating to the proper use of antibiotics in accordance with the general and specific specifications.

Indeed, from October 1, 2023, the MNIAS will become the MNPIA (national missions for the prevention of infections and antibiotic resistance). The MNPIAs, subject of this call for projects, will be the following:

  • Firstly: surveillance and prevention of healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic resistance (including the proper use of antibiotics) in community care and in the medico-social sector,
  • Spares: surveillance and prevention of antibiotic resistance (including the proper use of antibiotics) in healthcare establishments,
  • Spicmi: surveillance and prevention of the risk of infection linked to surgical and interventional medicine procedures,
  • Spiadi: surveillance and prevention of infections associated with invasive devices,
  • Matis: support for actions to prevent healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic resistance (including the proper use of antibiotics): evaluation, training, communication, documentation.

Learn more regarding MNPIAs

The new mandate of the MNPIA will run for a period of five years. The CPias and CRAtb will be appointed by decision of the Directorate General of Public Health France, to carry out these national missions from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2028.

To support Public Health France in the exercise of this management, a Committee of National Missions for the Prevention of Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance (CominaPIA) has been set up with its General Management to define the missions and support Public Health France in the selection of new incumbents for 2023/2028.

How to apply

The application file must comply with the general and specific specifications for their area of ​​expertise. Each file is made up of two separate sections:

The technical and scientific component comprising:

  • An official letter of application by CPIas and by CRAtb, a summary presentation note and a public declaration of interest for each person in charge of the CPIas and CRAtb associated with the application
  • A description of the candidate’s abilities
  • A description of the scientific and technical activities, including for a multiple application, a clear description of the distribution of activities between the applicants
  • The list of publications of the last 5 years
  • A proposed five-year work program for the duration of the mandate

The administrative and financial component including:

  • An identity card of the candidate
  • A financial proposal including the overall annual budget of expenditure and estimated revenue
  • A financial proposal including the annual list of paid staff
  • A proposal of the necessary IT development or tool update costs as well as the associated implementation schedule
  • An act of commitment of the candidate

As well as the agreement on the proposed application of the ARS or the ARS of the regions hosting the CPIas and CRAtb associated with the application.

All of the documents making up the application file must be completed, dated and signed by the person authorized to engage the responsibility of the structure(s) responsible for managing the candidate CPias or CRAtb. If the file is not signed by the legal representative of the establishment, the delegation of signature should be attached in support of the application.

The application file must be sent before March 10, 2023 by click here.

For any request for information, an email address is available:

Documents made available to candidates:

For information: criteria for evaluating applications

Frequently Asked Questions

When can a call for tenders be launched for the development of an IT tool linked to an MNPIA and according to what administrative procedures?

The call for tenders for the development of an IT tool in connection with an MNPIA will be carried by the candidate selected at the end of the call for projects and designated by decision of the Directorate General of Public Health France at the latest September 30. The establishment in charge of the mission can, if it wishes, anticipate all the steps relating to this call for tenders.
However, the Agency will not award a grant for this computer development if the candidate is not selected. Furthermore, in the event of a call for tenders anticipated in relation to the appointment decision, Public Health France will in no way be obliged to allocate a subsidy up to the amount of the contract awarded by the candidate.
You should contact the public procurement department of your institution, which can support you on this subject and assess with them the procedures for compiling the business consultation file, in particular for the development of the specifications for the IT tool for the mission you plan to carry so that it meets your need.

Given the deadlines for awarding public contracts, if the computer tool does not allow you to trace the 2023 or even 2024 data under the conditions described in the specifications of the call for projects, the technical and scientific aspect of your application must propose a transition solution.

In part 4 of the financial part, is it the planned annual maintenance costs + IT costs for starting the mission? If so, should the start-up IT costs of the mission be smoothed over 5 years or presented separately? If not, how to show the costs inherent in starting the mission in the financial proposal?

The annual maintenance costs are to be entered in tab n°2 under the heading expenses eligible for financing by Public Health France. An annual subsidy intended to cover part of the current operating expenses may be allocated by Public Health France.

The IT costs for starting a mission or updating them are to be entered in tab 4 and concern only the 1st year of funding.
An exceptional subsidy intended, where applicable, to finance all or part of the costs of IT development or updates of IT tools may be allocated by Public Health France. The computer tool developed or updated must meet the requirements of the mission for which you are applying and respect the specifications defined by the CominaPIA.

Is it possible to exchange by telephone for two questions relating to points 1.2.2 and 1.2.3?

1.2.2. Promote actions for the proper use of ATBs with prescribers and non-prescribers and users.
1.2.3. Provide expertise and advice.

As part of the Call for Projects, it is not possible to respond by telephone as this does not allow the sharing of information.
Nevertheless, on the first point, the actions for the good use of antibiotics with prescribers, health professionals and users, are to be defined by the future mission by referring to the national strategy as well as to the national actions already undertaken in the framework of previous national missions, the MMPIA ministerial mission and public health France (DPPS campaign on good use).
The second point, “providing expertise and advice”, does not concern assistance with individual prescriptions but rather assistance in setting up regional or local actions adapted to consumption and resistance indicators.

In tab 3 staff list, what is the difference between “Annual salary cost” and “Mission cost”? The first is the cost of the agent for the total number of FTEs worked in the structure that employs him and the other the cost associated with the number of these FTEs that he will devote to the mission as mentioned in the ETPT column?

The “annual salary cost” is the agent’s cost for a full year and the “total mission cost” is the annual cost devoted to the mission by the agent.
The “ETPT” column must indicate the time the agent spent on the mission.
Thus, the total mission cost is obtained by the annual salary cost * FTE.



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