Call for Expert to Develop Soft Skills Benchmark for AUF Member Universities

2023-10-15 00:59:24

According to the website www.innovationpé more than 70% of employers believe that “soft” skills (skills associated with personality) are as important as “hard” skills (learned to produce specific work) . It has therefore become more than necessary to develop these new skills among young graduates to promote their integration into the job market. In such a context, the AUF responds to a need expressed by its member universities, namely the strengthening of networks of teachers/trainers who can provide additional training to students in Soft Skills.

As part of theaxis 2 “Employability and entrepreneurship” of the AUF’s new four-year strategy 2021-2025 and as part of the project “Supporting establishments in the implementation of a Professional Integration strategy (SIPMA)”, the North Africa Regional Directorate is launching a call for expressions of interest to mobilize an expert who will propose a benchmark for soft skills following benchmarking work to identify the needs expressed by employers for the skills that a new employee must possess.

Designed for the benefit of AUF member universities in the region, this call will contain 2 lots, namely:

Lot 1: Preparation of a summary note on existing soft skills benchmarks following benchmarking work. Lot 2: Drafting of a soft skills framework specific to the AUF allowing it to be used for the design of trainer training.

The selected expert will be responsible for the graphic design of the final document to enable its possible edition by the AUF.

Expected deliverables:

For lot 1:

Identify the existing skills frameworks to promote the employability of a young graduate Analyze these frameworks Establish a comparison grid between these different frameworks Summarize the results allowing a comparison between these different frameworks Propose an approach for the design of the skills framework soft to be developed by the AUF

For batch 2:

Identify the skill areas to include in the framework (For example: Communication, empathy, problem solving, ability to self-learn, leadership, etc.) For each skill area, define the skills relating to this area. For each skill, provide a brief description as well as the list of educational objectives to be included in training allowing you to master this skill.

Profile of the expert:
a. The expert must have solid experience in training trainers, particularly in Soft Skills.
b. The expert must also have in-depth knowledge of best practices in corporate skills management.
c. Having proven experience in developing skills frameworks is an asset.

The expert must have good communication skills and be able to work effectively in a team.
Expected results :
has. A detailed report on the benchmarking results, including a comparative analysis of existing Soft Skills competency benchmarks.
b. Clear and precise recommendations for the development of a Soft Skills skills framework adapted to the specific needs of a young graduate. A skills repository bringing together areas of skills, their description and their breakdown into educational objectives.Budget :
has. The budget allocated to pay the selected expert is 3000€ gross.
b. Any additional costs incurred as part of this mission will be the responsibility of the expert (travel, layout, corrections, etc.)

Estimated project schedule:

Start date
Date fin
Number of weeks

Launch of call for applications Mid-October 2023 Mid-November-2023 4 Selection and contractualization Mid-November 2023 End-November 2023 2 Benchmark of international practices Beginning-December 2023 End-February 2024 12 Correction and finalization of the final Benchmarking document Beginning March 2024 Mid -March 2024 2 Design of the skills framework Mid-March 2024 Mid-May 2024 8 Correction and finalization of the final version of the skills framework

Wed-May 2024

End May 2024 2

30 weeks

Candidature :

Applications are received exclusively online via the link:

Application deadline: 12/11/2023 at midnight Tunis time.

*Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a final selection interview.

#Carrying #comparative #analysis #design #soft #skills #skills #framework #Soft #Skills



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