Call an ambulance: these symptoms may indicate a blood clot formed in the brain

Nausea and vomiting

If you feel sick or vomit for no apparent reason – that is also a wake-up call. So, in case of poisoning or a rotavirus infection, a person’s stomach twists, the temperature rises, weakness appears, and he is tormented by diarrhea. In the case of a thrombus, these symptoms may not be present.

– If the blood clot is large enough, it can cause increased pressure on the surrounding brain tissue, which lead to nausea and vomit. Also, some bleeding disorders can cause an imbalance in hormone levels, which also provokes the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms, Dr. Mitchell explained.

Speech problems

When a blood clot forms in a person’s brain, he may begin to speak poorly – most often it seems that he “chews” words. This is because the clot can block or restrict blood flow to the area of ​​the brain that controls our speech.

– Sometimes a blood clot can only partially block an artery, resulting in temporary problems with pronunciation of words. However, if the thrombus completely blocks the artery, this can cause a stroke, leading to permanent brain damage, warns Dr. Mitchell.

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