California Duo Sentenced for Their Involvement in Birth Tourism Operation

A federal jury found Michael Liu and Phoebe Dong guilty on eleven counts, including <a href="” title=”Fraud of the investors: this is the sentence handed down to Mike Ben Ari”>money laundering. The two were charged in 2019 along with a dozen others, including a woman who later pleaded guilty and was sentenced to ten months in prison.

According to the prosecution, the couple ran the company Happy Baby USA, which helped several hundred so-called birth tourists in the years 2012-2015.

– Avoid rocking

The price of 40,000 dollars – just over 430,000 kroner at today’s exchange rate – included training in what the women should say in the visa interview and how to hide the fact that they were pregnant, including by dressing in loose clothing and avoiding “rocking like a penguin” . They were also accommodated in apartments while they waited for the birth.

– The business model was all along based on misleading US immigration authorities, prosecutor Kevin Fu said in his closing statement to the jury.

The prosecution believes the women were motivated by the US practice of granting citizenship to everyone born in the country. It can give hope for easier access to higher education and a better financial future. When the child turns 21, the parents can also apply for a residence permit in the form of family reunification.

– Commendable

For their part, the defense believes that the prosecution has not linked Liu and Dong to business in China, and that the pair only helped people after they had arrived in the United States.

Dong’s lawyer John McNicholas also argued that birth tourism is not illegal and said Dong was only helping Chinese women who wanted to avoid reprisals for violating China’s one-child policy.

– What she has taken on is commendable and should not have been criminalised, he said.

Sentencing in the case is expected on 9 December.

#California #couple #sentenced #birth #tourism
2024-09-15 02:27:45

– What are the legal consequences of the birth ⁤tourism scam led⁤ by Michael Liu and Phoebe Dong? ‍

Birth Tourism Scandal: Couple Found ​Guilty ‌of Money Laundering and‌ Fraud

In a shocking verdict, a federal jury has found Michael Liu and Phoebe Dong guilty on eleven counts, including money ⁢laundering, ⁣for running a birth ​tourism business that helped hundreds of foreign⁢ nationals ‍give birth in the United States. The guilty verdict ‍brings ⁣to a⁣ close a lengthy ‍trial that began in 2019 and has ‍shed light ⁤on the lucrative and controversial ‍practice of birth tourism.

The Birth Tourism Business

According to prosecutors, Liu and Dong ran the ⁤company Happy Baby USA, which catered to expectant mothers from other countries, primarily China, who ‍wanted to give birth in the United States. Between 2012 and‌ 2015, the‍ company helped several hundred‌ women travel to‍ the ​US, providing them ⁢with‍ accommodations, training, and guidance on⁤ how to deceive US immigration authorities about the true purpose of their ‍visit.

The scheme ⁤was elaborate and brazen, with⁢ prices ranging from $40,000 to over $100,000 per person. For this hefty fee, clients received a package that included assistance with obtaining a tourist⁤ visa, training ⁢on‌ what to say during the visa interview, and‌ guidance on how to conceal their pregnancies. This ⁢included dressing in loose clothing and avoiding “rocking like a penguin,” a tactic to avoid drawing attention to their condition.

Misleading Immigration Authorities

Prosecutor Kevin Fu⁤ summed ⁢up⁣ the case in his closing statement to the jury, stating that the​ business model was based on misleading US immigration authorities from the outset. ​Liu and Dong‍ deliberately misled the authorities about the true purpose of their clients’ visits, which was to give‌ birth ‍in the US and obtain citizenship for their‍ children.

The motivation behind this⁤ scheme was to provide an easier path to citizenship for the ⁢children, who would then be able to sponsor their parents for a residence permit when they turned 21. This⁣ would grant‌ the parents legal residency ⁢in the‍ US, opening up opportunities‍ for better education, employment, and⁣ a higher standard of​ living.

The Impact of Birth Tourism

The guilty ‌verdict in this case has ⁤repercussions ​beyond the criminal charges ⁣faced by‍ Liu and Dong. Birth⁤ tourism has ‍long been a topic ⁣of controversy in the⁣ US, with​ many arguing that it undermines the integrity⁤ of the country’s⁣ immigration system.

Supporters of birth tourism argue that it allows families ​to give their⁢ children a better future, with access to higher education and improved opportunities. ​However, critics argue that it is unfair to⁤ those who follow the legal process of seeking citizenship, and that ⁢it creates an uneven playing field.

The US government has taken steps ⁢to crack down on birth tourism,⁤ with​ the Department of State introducing new ​rules in ⁣2020 to prevent the practice. However,⁢ the guilty verdict ‌in ⁣this case highlights the need for continued vigilance ‍and enforcement.


The guilty verdict in the Happy Baby USA‌ case serves ⁢as a warning to those who would seek to exploit the US immigration ‍system for financial gain. It also ‍highlights the need for policymakers to address the root causes ​of birth ​tourism and to ensure that the country’s immigration laws​ are enforced fairly and equally.

As‍ the US continues to grapple ​with the complexities​ of ‍immigration‍ reform, cases like this one serve as a⁣ reminder of the importance ⁣of protecting the‍ integrity of the country’s borders and immigration​ system. By doing so, the US can ensure that its immigration ⁣policies remain fair, just, and equitable for ‌all.

Keywords: birth tourism, Michael Liu, Phoebe Dong, money laundering, fraud, immigration, citizenship, ⁢US‌ immigration authorities, Happy Baby USA, China, visa interview,⁤ tourist visa, immigration reform.

What are the legal implications of the birth tourism scandal involving Michael Liu and Phoebe Dong?

Birth Tourism Scandal: Couple Found Guilty of Money Laundering and Fraud

In a shocking verdict, a federal jury has found Michael Liu and Phoebe Dong guilty on eleven counts, including fraud and money laundering, in connection with a birth tourism scam that helped hundreds of Chinese women give birth in the United States. The couple, who ran the company Happy Baby USA, were charged in 2019 along with a dozen others, including a woman who later pleaded guilty and was sentenced to ten months in prison.

The Birth Tourism Scheme

According to the prosecution, the couple’s company helped several hundred so-called birth tourists in the years 2012-2015 by providing them with training on what to say in visa interviews and how to hide their pregnancies. The women were accommodated in apartments while they waited for the birth, and the price of $40,000 included coaching on how to conceal their pregnancies, including by dressing in loose clothing and avoiding “rocking like a penguin”.

Legal Consequences

The prosecution believes that the business model was based on misleading US immigration authorities, and that the women were motivated by the US practice of granting citizenship to everyone born in the country. This can provide easier access to higher education and a better financial future, and when the child turns 21, the parents can also apply for a residence permit in the form of family reunification.

Defense Arguments

The defense, on the other hand, argues that the prosecution has not linked Liu and Dong to business in China, and that the pair only helped people after they had arrived in the United States. Dong’s lawyer John McNicholas also argued that birth tourism is not illegal and said Dong was only helping Chinese women who wanted to avoid reprisals for violating China’s one-child policy.


Sentencing in the case is expected on December 9. The guilty verdict marks a significant victory for prosecutors, who have been working to crack down on birth tourism schemes that take advantage of US immigration laws.

Birth Tourism in the United States

Birth tourism has become a growing concern in the United States, with many foreign nationals traveling to the country specifically to give birth and gain citizenship for their children. The practice has raised concerns about national security, organized crime, and the exploitation of US immigration laws.

Consequences for the Couple

Michael Liu and Phoebe Dong face serious legal consequences for their role in the birth tourism scheme. The guilty verdict sends a strong message that those who engage in fraudulent activities will be held accountable. The case highlights the need for stricter regulations and enforcement to prevent similar schemes from operating in the future.

Impact on US Immigration Policies

The guilty verdict also raises questions about US immigration policies and the need for comprehensive reform. The case highlights the vulnerabilities in the system and the need for stricter enforcement to prevent abuse and exploitation.

the guilty verdict in the birth tourism case marks a significant milestone in the fight against fraud and abuse of US immigration laws. The case serves as a warning to those who would seek to exploit the system for personal gain, and highlights the need for stricter regulations and enforcement to protect the integrity of US immigration policies.



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