Calenda Expresses Support for Orlando in Liguria


Azione’s Support⁣ Conditions for Regional Candidacy

Azione can ally itself ⁢with⁣ the broad⁣ field despite differences, supporting a candidacy from Avs, Pd, and‍ M5S⁣ under three fundamental conditions.
‍ First, critical ‍infrastructure projects needed in Liguria must ⁤be prioritized. Second, electoral‌ campaigns should refrain from tactics resembling gallows-like⁢ justice. ‌Third, a culture⁢ of governance is⁤ essential once elections are won.

The leader of Azione, Charles Calenda, communicates this message in an⁣ interview with “Secolo XIX” to Andrea Orlando and the wider broad field. Azione⁣ is poised to support Orlando’s candidacy for president of the Region, on ⁢the premise that ‌the former ‌Democratic minister acts ​as a “guarantor”‌ to uphold these three programmatic conditions.

Regarding⁣ Azione’s⁢ involvement in the broad field, Calenda expresses his candid perspective: “We are not in the broad⁤ field. We are in⁤ the center. If a ⁢coalition forms, ⁣it will ‌be between the ​center and the broad field. ⁤The PD ‍and others will manage alliances, it isn’t our responsibility. After all, Italia Viva has⁤ recently characterized the national and ‌Ligurian broad field negatively, and now they must ​clarify‌ this change to their voters.”

“We do ‍not veto names; I have‍ governed with Orlando,” he continues. ‌“However, we⁤ diverge ‌on several national issues, from justice to ⁣Ukraine.​ Our responsibility is⁢ to find common‍ ground on local matters ⁤that do not involve divisive national issues. Thus, we require ⁤clarity on the alliance’s stance regarding​ our three conditions.”

On ⁢the subject of​ the corruption investigation involving ⁢Toti, ⁣Calenda states: “We advocate for strict⁣ guarantees; other members of the broad field have campaigned relying on⁤ investigations. It’s‍ worth noting that Lega and Fratelli d’Italia have similarly reversed their roles ⁤in other cases. I find it barbaric to link​ Toti’s house arrest ‍to ⁣the⁢ call for his⁣ resignation. Four years ⁢of​ eavesdropping and surveillance evoke comparisons ⁣to East Germany. However, this does not imply⁣ that ‍I condone Toti’s methods of securing⁤ financing from concessionaires, which I find profoundly unethical and politically‍ unacceptable. Transparency requires legislation, and I ⁣am not aware‌ of any other political party advocating for such measures,” concludes Calenda.

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Azione’s Support Conditions for Regional Candidacy

Azione can ally itself with the broad field despite differences, supporting a candidacy from Avs, Pd,

​ ‌ ​⁢ and⁢ M5S under three fundamental conditions.

  1. ⁣ Critical infrastructure projects needed in Liguria must be prioritized.

  2. Electoral campaigns should refrain ⁤from tactics resembling gallows-like justice.

  3. A culture of governance is essential once elections are won.

‌ The leader of Azione, Charles Calenda, communicates this message in an interview with “Secolo XIX” to

Andrea Orlando ​and the wider broad field. Azione‍ is poised to support Orlando’s candidacy ⁢for president.



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